~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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where did it go?
Wow, I had 3 days off from work.... and it seems like just yesterday that I finished my shift on saturday... I guess I have been sleeping in late and what not, and spending some time with the parentals, seeing as they just got back.. Man, they have some amazing photos from china. It makes me want to go there really bad... all of it just seems like a mystical place, unreal and surreal. And then there's pictures of my parents just standing there, behind palaces, pagodas and beautiful architecture, in the mountains eating lunch and sipping tea in a place that probably hasn't changed much for hundreds of years. But yeah, sunday I went on my first booster juice crew movie night. heh, it was pretty neat, just hanging out with people you've only seen in one setting, in an environment that is totally different. so... much... estrogen... :p yeah, i think it's 9 girls that work there, and 3 guys, including the owner steve... I guess it's not really any proportion I'm not familiar with (i.e. high school, or even just guelph in general), but somehow it was different... Maybe it's that these girls are just more, well... girly... it's hard to explain. but yeah, we went to silvercity coquitlam to see spideyman 2, which was a decent action movie... full of the cheese required of a comic book made into a movie... but man, i think i would be so sad living in coquitlam, the land of big box everything... it's just like a giant strip mall, with giant stores lining the main road as far as the eye could see, with nary a tree in sight. :( Monday... hmmm... wow, monday was really a blur... I think I spent the afternoon just reading my scuba diving manual, and talking to katie on the phone, which was vewy nice... :) i miss that girl muchly. Just in the midst of figuring out plans for her to come visit from august 15-22... *excited* It's been so exciting thinking of all the things we'll do, places we'll go, and all that good fun. ahhhh!!! I dunno, they're not necessarily anything that is really "couple-y" or anything, i think some of the things could be done with anyone, really... There's just this weird psychological temporal barrier that makes me think that people would be like too busy to go away camping for a few days, or a short little road trip or something. Although the fact that I AM working wed-sat on shifts ranging from 11-9pm isn't really all that conducive to stuff like going to the beach, or anything of the sort. I just need to take advantage of mornings, and go for a morning hike or something... anybody up for that? Ooh, how about I give everyone my schedule, in case anybody wants to know... Tues: diving lessons 6:30-11 Wed: work 11-7 Thurs: work 12-4, diving lessons 6:30-11 Fri: work 1-9 Sat: work 11-7 so yeah, if anyone wants to know where I am, just refer to that, k? thanx. :) but yeah, I had my first diving lesson today... it was decent, I guess.. I had some troubles with my gear, and my lack of vision (my choice was between no eyewear, and sketchy 7 year old contacts) was kind craptastic. I had chosen a medium size for my BCD (buoyancy control device), but in the chaos of people rushing into the water, it must have gotten mixed up, as I was wearing an extra-small, and could not lash on the velcro to do up the BCD jacket. Then the TA tried to change the jacket, and as he was unscrewing the tank, I think he blew an O-ring, and had to get me a new tank as well as a jacket. Then the rubber snap holding my snorkel to my mask broke, so I had to swim snorkel-less (not that we needed it anyways), and to top things off, my fins were too small, and they gave me foot cramps. I also got a bit dizzy from not breathing deeply enough, but I was a very good student, despite having the vision of a mole, and I did all of my skills most excellently! But my allergies didn't congest me up and give me problems, so that was good. and oh, the air was really really dry, so much so that I was almost tempted to quench it with pool water... ozone treated, not chlorinated... but still, not much cleaner, I think. But who would have thought. Air that has had all moisture removed from it is DRY? who wouldathunk!? But yeah, I'm not giving up hope for diving... the instructor got us really psyched, about how the bc coast has one of the world's best cold water diving, and how southern vancouver island has one of the world's best diving period. so hopefully when katie comes to visit, divingdivingdiving! ;) anyways, methinks it is bedtime for jojo here. me tired. Argh, I've got the ramblies tonight... sorry if this post has made no sense. :p p.s. This made me laugh, but not that it was saddam... it could have been anyone. the emotions were so classic. | feeling: tired | | listening: to the computer fan | Today's Fotolog: flower brothers
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