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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life.

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I believe
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Food for thought

At 92 cents a litre, the price of a bus fare-$2-would take a Range Rover
driver only 11 kilometres.
A Ford Explorer would make it slightly farther on $2, at just over 12
kilometres, while a more fuel-efficient car like a Chevy Cavalier could
travel more than 22 kilometres.
A Honda Insight hybrid would cover slightly more than 55 kilometres.

I guess that sort of puts our gas consumption in perspective...
Anyways, I have a bunch of other stuff to say, but I don't want to be up super late, so I think I'll post tommorow... When I can gather my thoughts...
Ahhh! parents coming back on the 1st! and bye mark, have a great cruise! :D

| Feeling: Thoughtful |
| Listening: Jamiroquai - When you gonna learn |
Today's Fotolog: Life Unfurling Ooh, I changed the layout of my fotolog! The blog will soon follow! huzzah!


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