My idealism... That's what I hang on to, I think.
I want to believe. I want to have faith in it.
It comforts me, like a security blanket of sorts, protecting me from the sharp light of reality(?)
Perhaps it's naivete, but I realizing that it's almost becoming a battle to keep humanity from taking this blanket out of my hands... And it makes me rather sad.
I've seen it with some people that I know. I'm not judging anyone for it, but merely observing that some have lost their ideals, and maybe realized their place in society and fit into it very nicely.
And I'm not entirely sure, but I think leaving my idealism behind just might annhilate my soul....
The dalai lama can do it, so why not me?
| feeling: indifferent |
| listening: silence |
Today's Fotolog: