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Today was nice.
No phone call from job people, but I shall give them a ring tommorow, and hope that the jobs have not been given to someone else.
But I did go to Cates Park with Aileen and Genny, and we just sat and enjoyed the weather. I don't do that nearly enough, for the beautiful place where I live. Then it was dinner for one at the Greek Restaurant at Parkgate, and then off to Safeway for groceries, just because the life that I lead is THAT exciting. ha... I did end up in there for like almost an hour, I think. I keep seeing people I know everywhere, and I chatted with Mike gomm and Rob about federal politics for a wee while, and then back home. It was already 10 by that time, so it was too late to hang out with Emily as previously planned, but I had a good talk with her. She's always nice to talk to... she always makes me think, which I need sometimes... And I'm happy to see her so happy with her boy. We talked about jobs, the future, and more future, and it's sometimes frightening thinking where I might be in 12 months... simply because I DON'T know where I will be. I have a semblance of an idea where I WANT to be, but knowing and wanting are very different things.

| feeling: Pensive |
| listening: Pilate - Drowning Man |
Today's Fotolog: Handstand


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