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ohmygod i went to school, and this teacher guy was like "omi god whee"
haha. gonads and strife. good times, good times.

Anyways, yesah, I went to take a class on food safety, and we learned to wash our hands, not pick our noses before touching food, and other good things like that. And on the exam, I passed with flying colours... 100%, baby! :)
But yeah, that was barely the highlight of my day. No, it was meeting this lady, whose kid I used to tutor at kumon... and she was friends with the wife of some guy whose environmental consulting firm I applied at, and she said that the company was apparently quite busy. Woohoo!! So there's hope yet, for this boy. *crosses fingers*

Anyways, yeah, Had a wrap with chicken cooked with pasta sauce, lettuce, tomatoes, and cheese, toasted to near perfection. good times..

But yeah, more good times courtesy of In Passing...:
"I always feel thinner when I'm tan. You know how black pants are slimming? Dark colors? It's like black pants for your whole body."
"Except black pants don't kill you."
--Two women talking in the produce section at Whole Foods

hahahaha... oh man... that place is great.
Crikeys, I'm cold... and this house is a mess! Grrk.
Alright, time to go.

| feeling: cold |
| listening: tick-tock-tick-tock, of the clock |


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