~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
Wow, I got an email about Harper's comments regarding Kyoto from my friend. The basic gist of the deal, is that he's concerned about the industrial contaminants, but doesn't care about the C02 emissions, and he plans to get out of the Kyoto Accord... Ahh ahh, scary scary man, whydopeoplevoteforhim!?!?1 help! But the point of this post: you know how people have "signatures" at the end of their emails with their contact info and position and etc...?? I have a whole bunch of friends with all these spiffy ones, like: Policy Analyst, Social and Economic Policy Development Or at least email addresses ending with "@NRCan.gc.ca" augh... *frustrated* i'm sooooojealous... >| iwantthosejobs!! boo hiss. Right now, I'm struggling to get any job, much less a job related to my field... *sigh* If I'm lucky, I might get a part time job as a general services clerk at superstore... not quite the same ring as Policy Analyst, Social and Economic Policy Development, is it? what if i tried to spiff it up? General Services Clerk, Human Relations Division(?) What's sad about that is that no one could possible contact me there, whereas it seems like all of my friends contact info points to here!! poopoopooo *disillusioned* How am I ever going to find a career job?? wahhh.... should i have stayed in co-op... I can't even imagine where the fuck I would be right now.. How my life would have been different. Would it have been betteR? Would it have been worse? Who knows... *whinewhinewhine* Anyways, that's my rant for now. I haven't been up to much recently. I've been shopping for yummy things, talking to katie (rejoices), job hunting, and I finished filling out the application for the enviro sci frosh week event. That's about it. And ooh, the election. I'm still figuring out who I want to vote for, but I'm quite disturbed by the conservatives, and i'm not too keen on the liberals. But beyond that... I suppose I'm leaning towards the NDP... I seem to hear quite a lot from them, personally, but in the media and such, they're basically off the radar... And I thougth they had more than 16% of the total expected votes so far... Vely vely strange.. But yeah, peoples, go vote! Please! but first, go be informed: here, or there. But ooh, something exciting... I've been updating my fotolog again! It is REVIVED!! So yeah, go visit it, and leave comments!! hurrah! Anyways here's to finding some work in the near future! *raucous yell* - fin - | feeling: slightly disillusioned | | listening: dire straits - wild west | <-- (huh?)
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