~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
I've been around to blog, but the fancy just hasn't struck me... Perhaps it's because I was very busy for the first bit, and then this hermit-like state crept into me... The first couple weeks since I last wrote in here consisted of my last session of exams, and finishing with school! So yeah, after 18 years of school, I'm finally freeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! I was still picking away at the possibility of getting a job teaching hang gliding in north carolina and being with my love, even as it was less and less likely. Then was the realization that if I couldn't get a job there, what to do instead. I had tentative plans to spend the summer in guelph, and take it easy, so then I began looking into housing for the summer... And there were a number of options, and I ended up living in a 2 bedroom apartment with my friend adrienne. It's a nice place, and it's been a good time here so far. Moving was an epic adventure that really reminds you why it's not much fun to move... I was seriously sore from moving stuff for days afterward. My rooms is painted in with a edmonton oilers theme... There's dark blue, with white lines sandwiching an orange line, then the lines run horizontally at chest height all the way around the room. And the door has an oilers logo on it. it's quite funny, actually. if you want, the people I'm subletting from have pictures on the net... Check it out here It's a bit sparse in the pictures, but I've since spruced up the place with posters, and i'll post them if my camera ever decides to cooperate with my computer... arghhh... One thing about this place is that like last year, there's floodlights shining INTO MY ROOM!!! grrr... you'd think that being on the top floor (7 of 7) would make you impervious to such things, but no, it turns out that the floodlight is right beside my window, and it shines in, quite (un)nicely.. In terms of jobs, I'm actually starting work tommorow! I've seriously lucked out... I talked to my friend Jen, who had a job in guelph last summer... and she recommended me to her bosses, and it was surprisingly smooth sailing, with application to interview to job offer done and doner in just under a week or so!! So I'll be working as a student assistant, working with Lab services division at the University.. Basically, I'll be prepping and subsampling plant tissue sent to the lab from all over the province, to test for plum pox virus, this nasty that affects stone fruit species like peaches, apricots, etc.... It's such a good first step, especially for my degree... especially getting the technical lab skills that you only get half-assedly in school, and is so hard to get for a job... So basically my life has been put into some sort of order (at least for the summer), and i've just sort of been basking a bit in it... waking up late, just taking it easy. I've taken some to organize the roughly 60 gigs of data on my computer... all my photos, text files, movie files, etc, etc. ad naseaum. I dunno, it's been some sort of catharsis of sorts... sort of a cleansing kind of activity for my mind... revisiting some old memories on my computer and in my life... so that i can move on properly... in a way, it's kind of fitting, and it's helped give some sort of closure to my time in university.. I think that it's also let me not think about being apart from Katie... The thought of being from her for 6 months is unreal... I guess we've done 4 months apart before, but 6 months is another thing altogether. And I think one of my "coping mechanisms" from this kind of stuff is to sort of shut myself off from things, and to immerse myself in something. This things appears to be my computer, and organizing everything I can on it... I keep telling myself it's because I need to do this in order to reformat my computer, and install windows XP so that my camera can download my pics to my computer, but in some ways, I'm not sure I believe it. I keep telling myself that I want to wean myself off from the computer, and I'll do it once I organize my computer... but is it something that can even be done? Anyways, i think it's almost time to think about turning in for the night... I need to start off my first day of work right! In some ways I'm slightly worried... supposedly it's going to be a pretty social job, and I'll get to meet lots of other students... What if I stay hermit-like, and don't want to talk to them?? what if I hate working a 9-5 job?!? Because frankly, I've never had one of those... I've had part time jobs where I worked over 40 hours a week, cuz it was shift work and i was covering shifts... and I've worked as an RA, where you're essentially on call 24-hours a day... but never a job with such a set routine... So we'll see how much I like that, eh? I'll keep y'all posted! Wish my luck on my first day of work! | feeling: apprehensive | | listening: Bob Marley - Concrete Junglel | Today's Fotolog: A picture of where I was born
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