~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
wow, that weekend was ridiculously fast... ridiculously busy as well.... I feel like i've gone through an entire week in this weekend! I think it all came from my history paper, which had slowly been eating my soul, and resulted in my not sleeping thursday night in order to complete it. This was followed by bringing all the library books I used FOR that paper BACK to school, in this ginourmous backpack i usually use for travelling, but omigod, it was so heavy, i just about fell over. Then I met my friend Jenn in the animal science building, and we ran our duck Darkwing Duck through the obstacle a few last times before tommorow's big competition. then I had to finish a takehome quiz by 12:30... my consciousness was quickly fading at this point, and struggling to control my lolling head, I managed finish it on time. Then I had class, and my lolling head was just out of control... I could hear my friends sitting next to me trying to hold back their giggles, but I wasn't really awake enough to do anything about it... I'm sure my prof saw, in that tiny class of 20.. Then I had to go to my office hours, since it was our last day of selling enviro sci clothing and swag. Katie dropped by for a bit, which was the first time i'd really spent quality time with her all week... next was a group meeting for my colloqium group, which was okay... We're going to have our hands full until the end of the semester... it's basicallya 6-member 50-60 page scientific group report, along with a poster presentation. We're done the intro/background and materials and methods, but we still need to tabulate the data, as well as analyze what it means. Then we have to summarize our results, discuss their significace, and tehn slap together a poster presentation... Oh, next I went to a meeting to finish a display we were going to put up for the student exec of enviro sci, at College Royal. We had a whole jungle theme going on, with sound and fog effects, fake jungly plants, and a display "showcasing the environmental programs that the university of guelph and the larger community" had to offer. huzzah. So we put that up and together, and then I went to katie's and she made me dinner, yes she did... grilled cheese and soup, a perfect meal to wind down a long day... Then we laid in each other's arms on her bed and talked for like a good few hours, inbetween me falling asleep every once in a while. It was a really good talk, and so needed, with all the crazy graduation and future plans going on... but nothing much really got resolved or decided, since we got distracted by some random things that popped up in our random brains. Suddenly, it was past midnight, and I had to be up for big duck show tommorow at 8 or so... and I still had to record my jungle sound effects! and send emails organizing all these shifts to man the display... oi... so yeah, stayed up until probably 3 or so... and woke up to the phone call fo my friend jenn, who sounded decidedly worried that i hadn't shown up yet. By this time it was 8:19, and i was supposed to be there, from 8-8:30... And I also needed to finish setting up the display. And I had probably just missed the bus, ACK! So I pulled out my trusty bike from the furnace room, and zipped to school, set up the display, and made it to my duck show in one piece. I put on my darkwing duck costume (haha!), and then we proceeded to run around and be silly, and watch our ducks run away from us essentially... teehee. After that, I checked out the photo contest display, and found that I had won 2nd place in the experienced section, for one of the pics I submitted for the "guelph category". you can see it here.. but yeah, wow, most exciting EVERRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! then i had to go staff the display and when I got there, there was a nice big ribbon that said we had gotten first place for the college of biological sciences!! second excitement of the day!! I also got to have a nice conversation with a fellow exec Sarah. She's interested in like urban land use design like me, so we gushed about that a little. It was exciting. haha. then I went home, bought $130 worth of groceries, and had wings, some pita and hummus, and some salad for dinner. I dunno what it is, but I've been craving the meat lately for some reason... is it a nutrient deficiency? who knows?! but yeah, good dinner... plus the super delicious smoothie I made... Man, who said I didn't learn anything from working at Booster juice! Oh, then I picked up Katie and she came over for a sleepover! We spent like 1/2 an hour looking through my roommates Victoria's Secret, and laughing at how ridiculous some of the fashion is these days.. good times.. that was saturday... then sunday, I woke up after having a series of strange dreams that scampered away. I remember something about wanting to go to this yummy drink store they had in HK.. they have this thing wihth mango chunks, coconut milk, and some other stuff... sooooo good.. but I digress. We woke up like almost 2 hours later than our alarm went off, but it was well deserved, and then we made pancakes for breakfast! yummy! AFter that, I went to staff the college royal display again, but significantly less exciting, as I was alone most of the time, except for the mad amounts of kids wanting to grab candy from our little treasure chest. Unfortunately, I didn't have the patience for the other college royal events... There's $1 milkshakes, square dancing, roboticon show, chemistry magic show, juried art show, dance and theatre, spelling bees, the whole nine yards, really... it;s really a great time to be had! Finally I was relioeved of my duty, and so I returned home, had some lunch, and got distracted by the internet.... dinner soon called (mmm, stirfry, salmon steak and rice, yum!) Then, instead of doing work like a good little boy, I proceeded to have this really exciting talk with Katie about our near future, and by golly, I think we're onto something, if we can work it. It's past 5am now though, so I think I'll save that for another day... but it's a very exciting prospect, as it's given me something solid to stand on, after being so uncertain of our future together. | feeling: relieved | Today's Fotolog: Add caption here
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