hey i'm alive, i think? hahawow, this place seems to be getting more and more alien to me each time i log in...
I dunno... getting back into the groove of things here in guelph has taken a toll on my blogging, i guess... but honestly, what doesn't take a toll on my blogging. ha!
on a random note, did you know that daniel igali, olympic wrestler is
running for the b.c. liberal party? and his one concern about running for office is that he'll have a gut... oh man....
anyways, it's going be another entirely random blog m'afraid.. but just wanted to mention some highlights of the last month or so...
- I went to my first anime convention... huzzah! It was a pretty good time, but I dunno, I think I found some aspects of the con a bit too fanatical... It's a fascinating social phenomenon though... one of the two times in the year (the other being halloween) when grown adults can indulge in the costume-wearing desires, and buy very cute things. And the atmosphere itself was just hyperactive and overstimulating for me, I think. Call me an old fogey, I guess... Not to say I didn't enjoy the experience... I did enjoy this event called "Yokai wars", where you build a monster out of spare parts and toys... I won first place for scariest monster, btw!! Check it out:
There WERE some rad costumes though... namely Transformer costume that actually transformed from robot to car:
- I went to see High Voltage in concert... An AC/DC cover band... although I'm not explicity an AC/DC fan, I have a friend who's the drummer in the band, and it was just fun going to "Aggie Pub" (where the Agriculture program students take over a bar for a night, essentially), and seeing the crowd respond to what my untrained ears heard as pretty good renditions of AC/DC.
- Incidently, this drummer friend of mine (Geoff) is also getting married over reading break... Ahh, the song of marriage begins! So yeah, I'll be attending the first wedding of my friends... But yeah, Geoff and Crystal are awesome kids... for part of their gift registry, they're requesting people donate money in their name... how cool is that!
- Guelph water sucks ass... I'm drinking a glass of it right now, and I'm thirstier than when I first started drinking it... I think it's something to do with the hardness, but this is just ridiculous! Oh, how I miss my soft easy-to-leach heavy metal Vancouver water. yum!
- This year in mid-march, I'll be a participant in a Duck Show! I'm so psyched... I'll be getting ducks to run through an obstacle course with my friend Jenn. How cool is that? We shall train them well, and they shall kick some duck ass!
- I'll also be participating in a photo contest in march too... i'm excited about that as well!
- The first week of school, I was so good with my sleeping habits, going to bed at like 11:30... but slowly, as the 2nd week kicked in, the time i went to bed at slipped from 1am, to 2:30, to 3:30... *sigh, as I read 3:07am on the clock right now*
- I finally used my dumpling maker I bought in Vancouver, and it works so wonderfully.... I love it! So yummy... mmmm dumplings
- Ooh, it's going to be semi-formal for enviro scis this weekend... a 3 course meal + dessert and coffee/tea... should be a good time, as we cut a rug on the dance floor. teehee.
- For the last two weeks, I've finally given into to my dark desire to organize, and started organizing all my digital photos (roughly all 8500 of them) into some sort of system. It's kinda fun reliving all the moments, but at the same time, it frightens me i've got ~8,500 photos!
- School these days is getting crazy... Although I haven't hit my month of hell (march) yet, I'm already struggling to keep up, so I'm getting really scared for what march will bring... at least 2 assignments/tests/midterms due a week for 4 of 5 weeks in march. AH! All this, while trying to decide what I'm going to do after graduation... (i.e. finding a job, figure out where I want to go, figure where I fit with Katie's plans)
- Last night, I kept waking up throughout the night, and I'm not quite sure why... Despite that, I had the nicest sleep I've had in a while. Usually, I'm entirely deeply passed out until I wake up, even when Katie sleeps over, and I never really get to enjoy her presence due to my deep state of unconsciousness... But last night, my constant waking meant I would wake up, and be able to snuggle with her that much more, just to watch her sleep for a while, and see her angelic face a bit longer before i faded out of the waking world again.
On that note, good night. :)
| feeling: glad to finally write something |
| listening: nothing |