~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
as the future unfolds, I look back
so. i've officially gone to my last lecture as an undergraduate, since last friday.. it's a strange feeling, that i don't think has hit me yet... no more scrambling to class, or straining to stay awake as the professor describes describes microbial degradation of PCBs, or straining to see from the back of the class when i arrive to class late. Just nothing. Pure, unadulterated freedom to essentially do anything i want, and frankly, I think it is a little frightening. The past few days, I've been trying to get myself to bed at an earlier hour, as well as giving my body the sleep it needs.. i've been sleeping a good 10-12 hours the last little while. and while it's been nice, i think, it might be a lost cause, since i've determined i have the sleep debt equal to the debt of a small developing nation... but it's nice not to wake up to the blaring noises of my alarm. Besides this, there has been kind of exciting stuff happening in my life... After contacting some people, it seems that I have a decent chance for a terrific summer job. It's in the States, in North Carolina... and get this... teaching hang gliding!! it's not going to be high-altitude stuff, but just running down a sand dune, and being like 3-5 feet above the ground for most of the time. But I'll get to be somewhat near Katie, get to learn hang gliding, decently priced employee housing, get into shape, work outside all day, and then go be a beach bum for the rest of the day. It's not high paying, but really, I can't think of what better way there is to spend a summer, after almost 18 years of being trapped by a routine of schoolwork... The only thing in the way at this point, is the lack of a work visa to be allowed to work in the US legally. I had a short talk with the guy, and he seemed to be interested in having me work for him, and he seemed understanding of my situation of being a Canadian needing a work visa, so it was a good sign, for sure. I've never actually hang glided before, but they have a training program where they can teach me to glide, and to teach it to others, so this is a really exciting prospect that i hope comes to fruition. So that's been the big excitement in my life these days... Other than that, work has been cramming itself down my throat for the last week of school. I had the cursed 4th year colloqium project due, which we managed to finish on time. 77 pages of group work that i dunno if i could look at again... This was followed by a poster presentation to our real life client, and then my last "enviro sci end of semester bash", where many people proceeded to drink themselves into oblivion and silliness. As I had a final exam the next day, I was not as priveleged to do so, but instead headed home early to read over my notes. The exam the next day was actually a piece of cake... a 1/4 of the questions were taken straight from the midterm, and i feel like i could have gotten 70% without studying, so i have a good feeling about it. but yeah, i feel like there's a weight that has been lifted off my chest, just from having a direction, in terms of where i'd be going after graduating... For the longest time, I couldn't even start finding places to live, since i didn't know where my job search was going to lead me. and suddenly, it seems like things are kind of falling into place. I feel like as long as I put my will into it, things can work out. I had such doubts that I would get hired, but all I had to do was ask, and I hope that this momentum is with me for the work visa application. Tommorow shall be a day of work, I think. lots of stuff to get into order:
Ooh, I almost forgot! my family was in toronto, for my aunt's 60th birthday party, and they came to see me in guelph too!! woo, it was exciting to see them, especailly my sister, who i saw for two hours on my stopover in vancouver on a trip from hong kong to toronto. She picked me up, and we went to the food court in Yaohan centre and had lunch. Before that, I saw her in late august, when i left for Ontario. And at this point, I'll get to see them for a few days at graduation, but other than that, I don't really get to see them until possibly october or so... But yeah, my aunt's 60th was great! giant cake, balloons, pranks, presents, games and even powerpoint presentations chronicling her life. I hope that when and if i get that old, I can take all of life with such grace and laughter. So yeah, i'm so close to the end these days, i can scarcely believe it. Even as I begin the start packing up all of the stuff i've collected over the past 4 years, i can't really comprehend that I'll be leaving this place for good. no more catching the 52 university kortright bus, going to the farmer's market, or going to any of the excellent restaurants and the quaint downtown that is guelph. no more walking on the cow path, doing trick or eating on halloween, or attending the raucuous house parties at WD40. Though these things will live on in my memory, in their stead, new and different things will appear and take prominence. Not necessarily better, not necessarily worse. Simply different, in its own different way, but I think I will miss them. | feeling: excited, but wistful | | listening: Yo la Tengo - Tom Courtenay | Today's Fotolog: farewell, biki cat, as you travel to london
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