~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
and i'm off!
well, exams have come and gone with the end of a semester that seemed to zip by ever so quickly... it was a good time, even if it had a few rough spots.. I did pretty well in most of my exams except for one, which I REALLY am hoping to pass. I needed 44% to pass the course... And as nice as Guelph is, I DON'T want to come back for a victory lap, just to take one course. Anypoo, I've had such a good time back in Vancouver, just seeing my friends and family. It's been so crazy, being back in vancouver for only a week, and then jetting off to hong kong for a couple weeks with my family. Really though, whenever I come back, it always feels good, just catching up with people. Even though people have changed over the last few years, it feels like we can just pick up whereever we left off, and this year, I've been able to embrace how people have changed and enjoy it, rather than get bummed out by how people have changed and grown together, while I haven't had the opportunity to also grow with these terrific people. I've also realized how much I enjoy the parents of my friends. I guess I've never really thought about them much, but I guess I've talked to some of them this week in vancouver, and it makes me want to one day become the kind of parent who cares about their children's friends like they do. Christmas this year was nice, if not a bit low-key. My sister is at Dave's parents place in Colorado, so it's too bad that I didn't get to see her more than all of the 2 hours at the vancouver airport, due to a big fiasco with flight scheduling. She seemed to be psyched for the Doraemon DVDs I got her for x-mas, so i'm glad! my family seemed to enjoy the presents I got for them , so I'm a happy camper! :) my dad, I got this hardcore 3-second wine bottle opener, which has to be seen to be believed, and my mom seemed to have fun with the battery powered pedicure kit I got her. I was going to write more, but my thoughts are escaping me right now. My mom keeps distracting me, telling me to go to bed, and about packing and everything... Aw well, it IS a good idea to be all prepared for Hong Kong. I think I'm pretty excited to go... It hasn't really hit me yet, I think... I think that it'll be rad to be there, and to see how it's changed over the last 7 years since when I last went there. And I'm hoping it'll be a good time for some introspection, with the end of the year, and the imminent start of a new life (after pending graduation). I just need to do some thinking and soul searching... Hopefully I'll have some time for myself. I love my parents to bits, but I'm just starting to feel my mom getting a bit overbearing after a while with her. It's mostly the excitment/stress of travelling that tends to do it to her, I think. And my dad told me to try to check out the job market in Hong Kong for environmental careers... Apparently it's starting to take off there, and one of my dad's friends know someone that has a good job there... she sounds like she worked her way up to environmental officier or something over a couple years, and she's making REALLY good money too... I think it's $120K! and apparently, excellent chinese communication skillz aren't mandatory, and english would probably do fine. So that's a veery good sign. just one of many possibilities, of course... Anyways, must go bed... getting braindead. I hope everyone had a very merry christmas, and that you'll all have a most fantastic new year! :) Cheers to the new year! I'll try to post when I get to Hong Kong, but no promises! :D | feeling: tired | | listening: tick tock of the clock |
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