~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
can an old dog learn new tricks?
well, if i happen to be that old dog, apparently not... seeing as it's 3:50am once again... This month has taken its toll on me, methinks... I feel a bit like I've been sitting on my bum wayyyyy too long... Stupid homework *shakes fist* but yeah... I'm yet alive and kicking for the meantime, but other than that life has been just zipping by... So what's been in the life of joming lately? -homewoorrrrkkk up the wazoo! -entering some photos into a photo contest. I mounted them and everything... Me likey. -I'm in participating in a duck show for college royal! So yeah, I'm showing a duck. A black one with a red beak. We're supposed to have costumes and a creative team name, for more points, and at first, I was thinking about the ducktators... and our duck would be named Mao Zeduck... But this is guelph, and I didn't think people, especially the little wee ones would know their chinese communism. and the costumes wouldn't be all that exciting either... so for now, we're settling on naming him Darkwing duck (since she's black), and we're going to be her sidequacks.. hardyharhar... -my computer doesn't like my digicam... It's decided that to mutiny by giving me the blue screen of death whenever I try to download any photos to my computer... So I've eseentially resorted to downloading them at school, msning them to my friends, and getting them msned back to me later... RIDICULOUS! but needless to say, the number of pictures I've been taking has suffered as a result.. and I've had little motivation to do anything with them... -looking for jobjobjobs, most likely in ontario... Me and Katie are going to try to get a place together, and figure out where we want to go from there... I could write tomes on this, but I'll just leave it at that, for now. Hopefully I'll get a job in my field, and I really hope that Katie does too (since she won't get to stay here otherwise), but right now, I'll take what I can get. -I scalded my nose boiling lasagna... I was seeing if it was done yet, and the lil bugger decided to jump back into the vat of hot water, whilst giving me a nice hot slap to the nose... -over reading break (gawd, it's been a long time), I did some snowboarding, lived at an uber-cottage... then I went to toroto to hang out with my dad, and in the absence of my mom, learned a lot about the buried history of my dad's life, his first life of seven years... and about my grandpa, and really got to see how he's shaped my life, through my dad's experiences with him. cool stuff! -even though it's not technically "in the life of Joming", it's Jackie's birthday today!! hurray!!! *sings a birthday song* -I only got to see Katie like 2 hours this weekend... :( But we have a study-date in the library tommorow, so I'm very excited!! on that note, it is time for bed... gotta practice with ducks at 10:30!
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