~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
when the weight comes down (or not)
Compared with last week of 3 midterms, this week's lull seems rather light, except that it's quite misleading... I should be plunging ahead with a paper, as well as a lab report, but the false sense of security bred by the long term nature of papers and lab reports has caught me... I'm trying to get out of it, because I just know it's like being caught in a pot of water that is slowly heating up. You won't recognize the incremental difference in temperature, until it is suddenly boiling, and you're in hot water (literally). Well I suppose most of us haven't been chunks o'noodle from canned soup, so I guess we don't know the feeling. heh. anyways. halloween was a good time, for the most part. It was weird being without my partner in crime, my love, beside me as I chilled at a party saturday night, and then again on sunday night. Katie was unfortunately accosted by a swarm of homework, and besides carving the cutest pumpkin ever (in the guise of a cat), and being a good samaritan and helping collecting non-perishable food at Trick or Eat with Chris, Dan and I, she really couldn't afford to go all party-hardy. So after carving the cat-pumpkin with katie, I moseyed my way over to WD40, and a good time was had. Ryan (Shirley's boy), was playing guitar at full force as usual, and people were dancing, and it was good to see the familiar faces, and some new ones as well... Then sunday was mostly a writeoff, unfortunately, as I awoke at 1:30, with trick or eat in a few hours, which was a good time with all the costumes and all, but the long wait where we just didn't really know what was going on, and ended up sitting around for like an hour and a half. A long walk and adventure was in store for me afterwards as I was looking for my friend Anna's house, as I was being dyslexic and looked for 374, instead of 347 in this uberconfusing housing complex, and ending up very lost, and heading home to find the right address. Eventually I found the place, so it was all good.. and more dancing ensued... I'll be posting some pictoors soon, so keep your eyes peeled. hmm, well i can't think of how to end this, so let's try this: p.s. ahhh! US presidential election tommorow!! *scared* I really want bush out of there, but I'm a little scared of what Kerry might stand for... but seriously, the U.S. government is such a farce, in general... While it makes sense, in terms of getting fuckin "market share" in broadcasting, I find it ridiculous that they show election news in "entertainment tonight"... but that's pretty much what it seems like the election has become... just another marketing ploy, another form of entertainment for the masses, with all the real time stats, and all the fancy tv editing, like it's a reality tv show or something like that. gahhh! | feeling: abruptly writerblocked | | listening: The Tragically Hip - When The Weight Comes Down. | Today's Fotolog: reaching for the sky
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