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It's going to be a bitter bitter morning at quarter to 8 when I wake up, so I've got to be quick and chopppy... just wanted to say that i'm alive, and a quick update of goin ons that i remember off the top of my head...

  • wow, it seems like an eon ago that bush won the means to world domination, but it's only been a bit over 2 weeks..
  • I got the lowest mark on a major midterm so far in university... and really, in my entire academic career, for something that actually counts to my grade. a stinkin' 37% . Now there's one to frame on the wall.
  • Is it just me, or does this semester seem to be kicking people's asses? It seems like it is to me... it appears that many are struggling, and have such a bigger workload than i ever recall.. ahh, c'est la vie
  • Me and Katie went to see a part of Canadian history. We went for a visit to the guelph civic museum (where we saw a paper dress with a B&W photo of Mr. Pierre Trudeau on it) and John McCrae's house (of Flander's field fame), which has been converted into a gallery. It was neat, and I now feel a more complete Canadian. w00t!
  • Speaking of John McCrae, I went to the Remembrance Day ceremony at War Memorial Hall. It was the first time I've attended a remembrance day ceremony outside of ones held at assemblies at Seycove. I found it VERY strange that there were no bagpipes playing, but I guess that's only a Seycove tradition? I enjoyed the ceremony though. :)
  • Went to Christina's place for a potluck. And omigod, it was the mother of all potlucks. As Erica said "It's sure no rice krispie potluck". Afterwards, we all dorked out and played cranium. Good times were had, indeed!
  • I was talking to someone, and I think that for College Royal, the massive open house for U of G with tons of events, I shall enter a photo contest, as well as show an animal. Because really, when's the next time you'll get to show a sheep or duck?
  • I drove an automobile for the first time in guelph! Taeko lets me use her car whenever I need it, and it's like a whole new world has been opened to me... Rockwood, Drive-in Theatre, Guelph Lake, here I come!
  • It just hit me tonight that I'm currently taking a free elective whose midterm just kicked my ass, and while the content is quite interesting (landscape ecology), how the course is structured sucks bollocks. And I just missed the course drop date. boo.
  • Pulled my first all-nighter of the semester last friday, for my polluted waters lab report. I'm surprised we got it done, considering we started writing the discussion of results at 11pm. I'm afraid of the mark we'll recieve, because I think my partner was writing about riparian buffer zones as if they were acid/base buffers. Scary.
  • Katie and I forgot our monthiversary... but subconsciously, we went on a movie date, to see "The story of the weeping camel". Such a cute movie. It makes me want to live in a yurt for a while
  • 2 more assignments this semester, and it will be over. I can't tell whether to be frightened, or disturbed. Wait, they're basically the same thing! I'll be both.
  • My beloved digicam is falling apart... I feel bad that i've been taking such poor care of it. The lens cover has a lazy eye, and body is missing a screw to hold it together, and just tonight, the lens has an error with it. It won't open!! Woe is me!!

So yeah, that's me in a nutshell for the last two weeks.
Good day.

| feeling: distraught |
| listening: Matthew Good Band - near fantastica |
Today's Fotolog: Remembrance


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