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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life.

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The Face of Night in Suburbia

The nightime darkness that comes with the wisps of a fog
that permeates and settles into the recesses of your pores
A chilling silence that refreshes, and dampens the noises
of the night, the dingle-dangle of dogs on late night adventures
and the muted rhythm of shoes slapping on the asphalt
as they dance around the leaves, the fallen soldiers of the seasons
staring up at hardwood skeletons, their mothers, silhouetted arms arching
against the void of the sky.
The rude awakening of the puddles as the endless circles of burning rubber run them over,
slooshing down the empty street lined by the haze of orange streetlamps
black tires spinning past the houses, warm light pouring from windows
and yet for all the warmth, who knows what evils may lurk there
the lulling drone of TVs swallowed by the fog
But onward I plod, until I finally stop,
open the door and step in,
back to the land of the living who are dead
asleep, living in dreams.

| feeling: mellow |
| listening: matthew good band - while we were hunting rabbits |


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