~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
ridiculousnessYeah, I'm still alive and kicking here in guelph... It's been a bit of a strange hiatus here. I've been here for almost a month now, and it still seems like I'm still not quite there. I feel a bit thrown into the fray, after running that event for the enviro scis... Wow, that seems like an age ago, but I guess it's only been 2 weeks and a bit. So there's REALLY only been two weekends to catch up, and I haven't been making the most of those at all...Then school just jumped right in, and I've been caught up in that whirlpool ever since. Two morning classes, 3 night classes... it really does end up taking a toll on you. Last week, I got that sick that's been going around, and I'm still getting over the trailing edge of that... add in a couple trips to the farmer's market, and a party or two, yeah, that's about it, in a nut shell... The place I'm living at this year is pretty nice... REALLY spacious, pretty new, and in a pretty good location, so besides the rather exorbitant price (for Guelph, anyways), there really shouldn't be much to complain about... I'm living with three girls, Taeko, Amanda and Niki, as well as 4 cats, Chaos, Pavlova, Jasper, and Biki, and 3 Turtles (Franklina, Luna, and ???) which live in Taeko's room. The cats are really quite adorable, but they can be the loudest things ever, and sometimes they like to eat my spider plant and come on my bed at night and sleep behind my head, both of which aren't so appreciated, as they both keep me awake and unable to sleep. But otherwise, the cats are quite enjoyable... They do constantly remind me how much effort you need to put into having a pet... in taking care of them and playing with them... not just having the bare essentials for their survival. I think that's partly deterred me from getting a pet. I don't think I could really handle playing with the life of an organism at this point, be it a lobster, fish or whatever. But I guess sometimes it's the little things that count... I wish there wasn't broken bits of glass from drunken kids in the parking lot, or litter on the streets, or shopping carts from the supermarket next door cuz kids are too freaking lazy to push them back to the parking lot. I guess it's the sense that people care that I miss... There are so many nice houses all over Guelph, and I guess the apathy is starting to get to me... fuckers. I didn't really realize until tonight, but I've just sorta dipped into a strange routine, and I wonder if this could potentially be the source of it all? I've been keeping up with my school work, at least making an effort of doing so, but besides that, I don't know what I've been doing with my time... I've been trying to get myself organized this past while, but I keep on getting distracted by the silliest things, like staying up really late getting lost on the internet, or lost in the caverns of my hard drive... There's so much shit in both those places, it's ridiculous. I'm getting the feeling that I'm trying to search for something, but I don't know what it is, or if that's even the right place to look... just searching... for something... is it an escape I'm looking for? Everytime I read about people travelling around, I get a bad case of wanderlust, and I just want to hit the road, or something... Reading about Gaia Project almost made my heart hurt... and seeing all the photography online makes me wish i could pursue it more... But I haven't been looking for a way to get out of that weird fugue, until now... I'm tired of cutting it close to get to my 12:30 spanish class, and i'm tired of being tired with eating with meself (cuz it's really not that bad), tired of not keeping in touch better with people, and just tired of being tired. I don't think that staying up til 4am is helping much though. But I just need to get something out of my system, something that's been kinda festering in there. so now that it's out, i can get on with my life... hurray! I remember saying that I'd try to post a lot more when i started the school year, and so far it's been hogwash, but hopefully now i'll start getting on track. I've got me fingers crossed. | feeling: tired and ridiculous | | listening: sarah harmer ~ lodestar | p.s. I've tried uploading some photos to fotolog, but it's being fucky right now, hence no pics. hopefully it'll be back soon!! edit: Fotolog works now, so here's a preetty picture to look at!
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