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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life.

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I believe
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Okay... I checked my referers, and i'm so confused at how people get to my webpage sometimes...
Apparently, some one searched "Fucking mad website", and I was 2nd on the search engine, right under "Delicious Juice Dot Com - The Website With The Low Risk of Sexual Side-Effects".... ummm.. hrmm... yeah.. and what happens when when you search "Where to buy gourds"? I'm seventh, above "Amazon.ca: Books: Boogers Are My Beat: More Lies, But Some Actual Journalism", and below "Preparing for Christmas"

Honestly... I'm so confused... what's up with this crazycrazy world?

In other news, this past week has been a bit hectic... 3 midterms... a) spanish, which i have good feelings about, b) biology of polluted waters, which i felt fairly good about, but it could swing back and bite me in the ass c)microbial processes in environmental management: contestably one of the worst midterms i've written... I was the last one out of that beast, but apparently everyone that left that room was like "WTF", and there were actually surpressed laughter, at the sheer ridiculousness of the exam. umm.. yeah, we'll see how that goes.

Today, I spent 3 hours in value village, with some friends, trying to scrounge together a costume.. I have plans to be a ninja cowboy. Right now, I have most of the ninja part down, with a ninja jumpsuit, a ninja face mask and ninja shoes, and i've got part of the cowboy part down.. I've got a belt with a giant belt buckle, a and a pair of jeans... I'm still looking for a cowboy hat, and possibly some spurs.. We shall see how it goes... I'm concerned I might end up looking like a bandit, rather than a ninja cowboy...

This weekend will be rather busy... Too lazy for prose, so a list shall have to suffice:


  • Farmer's market tommorow morning! yay produce!
  • Last minute scrounging for some last minute costume supplies
  • pumpking carving with katie & co.
  • The annual WD40(40 walman drive) halloween partay!


  • Going to Rockwood Conservation area with katie and some friends to take some halloween pictures
  • Trick or eat, where we go to houses, and instead of asking for candy, we ask for food donations, to give to the food bank! yay, philantropy!
  • Going to a halloween get-together at my friend anna's house. Apparently she used to be an onionhead as well!

In between all that, I'm supposed to start cracking on a paper i have little desire to do, and get a solid start on a lab report... hoo boy.. But no matter, it should be a good time! :)

| feeling: mild(?) |
| listening: stereophonics - local boy in the photograph |
Today's Fotolog: Life finds a way of hanging on


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