~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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Windy Days
It's windy today... besides that, and the chilling temperatures, absolutely gorgeous... I almsot wish I could go outside for a wwalk and freeze the crap out fo myself... :p Katie's gone off to see Lord of the Rings at the sunday cinema put on by the school.. Too much work for me.. booo.... Well, I finished that ugly mofo of a pesticides proposal, as well as my GIS lab and my food production presentation reflection... I got back my proposal, actually... I got a lacklustre unshiny 61 on it...., this is after 10 marks were taken off for lateness... *sigh* I dunno... it's was all just a matter of time... I procrastinated, and ended up not having enough time to do a good job at it... especially the actual proposed experiment itself... but whatever.... it's over and done with... i figure it's good enough that I got 18% of my final mark from that, as opposed to 0% of my final mark from the assignment.. Friday, I went to the UC (university centre), and I guess it was the last day or two of school, so they had like mega events going on there... Free ice cream to hand out, and a sweet afro-beat band playing... Antibalas... they were pretty rad.. especially live.. the whole crowd was at least bobbing their heaads along... it was great. i splurged on a cd... woohoo! I spent much of friday evening restoring my room into a habitable form... Stupid assignments are like warzones for my room, seriously... Saturday, Katie and I went to the Farmer's market at guelph... bought lots of nummys... apple cider, cinnamon rolls, vegetables, fruits... good stuff!! :D then we splurged again, at one of our fav restaurants, Carden Street Cafe... very rad, very rad. Then we bought a quiche to have later for dinner, and I quickly perused Music Orbit before buying the new sarah harmer CD (yay, me and mark are seeing her on may 9th) before just catching the bus home. HAha... I have an exam monday, and another tuesday... and i've barely started studying.. And I tried that afternoon... but then I got really sleepy and laid down on the bed... then we went grocery shopping, cuz we had shit-all for food... I dunno, when I look in the cupboards (what a funny word), I don't register certain foods as ACTUAL food that I eat... Kraft Dinner is one such food... I think it's the video cassette shape of it that does it... but yeah... no food.... So here I am on sunday afternoon, an hour behind thanx to friggin daylight savings... attempting vainly to study for my finals... I suppose it will be nice having days be that much brighter for longer tho... :) So far, I've procrastinated by:
Oh... I'm so proud of you Jackie... :D I saw you on canada.com!! I think it's taken from a North shore news article... but still... that's awesome! I was so excited when I saw your face (with bright smile, and a sticker on your cheek in the vancouver section of canada.com, as I was trying to get myself grounded back in the realm of vancouver, before I get back on april 25th... I think it's so funny that they refer to everyone by last name in the article... :p teeheehee... Anyways, time is a-passing, like the clouds I see outside my window.. So i had better get back to studying... | feeling: sick of studying | | listening: Sarah Harmer- Silver road |
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