~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
week of hell to come...
Man, I really should be sleeping right now or doing some of the work in which I am sorely sorely behind, but whatever... Wow, this past week and coming week will continue to be quite intense, methinks.. like fer chrissakes... i forgot my mom's b-day... *tears* and I didn't even catch on when she phoned me.... gah... booooo... i suck. Anyways, yeah... was just working on my food production adn the environment presentation tommroow at 10:30... argh... i didn't get any time to work on my pesticudes paper AT ALL.... should I stay up now and do it? It's 3:40am right now, i think.. I still got time before my 8:30 tommrowo... But waiiiit... i also have another paper I'm supposed to send to my group members to edit... fuckerooni, man... seriously... And there are so many other things I'd rather be doing..
but sooooo much to do... It's funny though... what your priorities are... Cecilia Zhang's body was found in a ravine in mississauga... not far from my friend's house actually. I dont' know the family personally, but I know it must be such a trying time for them... I can't begin to imagine how heartbroken it must be. I know that the whole thing has been oversensationalized by the media, and it really is too bad that had to happen. It's just sick, because in a way, by making such a big ordeal out of it, they are trivializing it like all the other fucking news out there... "omigod, janet jackson had her shirt pulled down" or whatever... you know the drill. Just give the people the respect and dignity they deserve... don't fuckin harass people who already have enough to deal with. And as for the whole deal with putting a X or C in front of your msn/icq name.. is it really that big a deal? to me, it's simply a symbol... of acknowledgement, of respect. I know that symbols CAN be extremely powerful. just look at the swastika, and the images it conjures... But it is simply a twisted version of an important buddhist symbol. And really, what does a matter what letter someone puts in front of their name, when all you want to do is be compassionate. It seems like its a trying time for everyone these days... Even those who stand to have much to gain, or even nothing to gain... The inertia of fate is exerting is power on all of us or something... and we must resist. But for now, I'm going to do a bit more work, methinks.. and then hit the sack. The ENDDD! | feeling: stressed and irritable | | listening: clicking keyboards and gentle computer hums |
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