this makes me so sad... :( especially because I used to buy iams for my Teddypuppy... *tear*
speaking of tears, gotta keep working on this pesticides studying... eck, ethylenebisdithiocarbamate. wtf is that!?!?
but before I go, here's something neat:
my counter keeps track of how people are referred to my page... sometimes I think it's just kinda neat+funny.
so here's what people have been looking up to end up on my page:
- life of a poor vagrant
- joming text
- why don't ant follow lines
- ant and dec pictures of i'm celebrity get me out of here when there where doing the show
- sunsun guelph
- pictures of baby peregine falcons
- what does vagrant mean
- Ant Activity Plans for Three Year Olds
well that's all.
| feeling: frustrated |
| listening: Dave Matthews Band- Sleep to Dream Her |