~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
I am slowly go-ing cr-azy...
Augh... Remember kids, don't pull three all nighters in row... It's not good for you., in anyway whatsoever, except your grades... (maybe) but really, I'm just ready to give up at this point. I shall enjoy the weekend way too much, even though I have a final on monday and another on tuesday... Currently, as it stands, I can't be bothered to care... It's really such a sad state of affairs, because really, I do care about my grades... Why the f'n would I pull three all nighters in a row? Anyways yeah, it's been a pretty rough past 4 days... Lemmesee... roughly 11 hours in the last 4-5 days?? Man, that's just sick. it really is. But well, I finally got that mofo of a pesticides proposal finished.. I think it looks pretty sharp too... Too bad I'll be losing 11% off of it... *sigh* It'll be cool, I think, because the prof will be handing everything back on Friday, so I'm getting it marked in like a day... It's amazing!! like instant gratification or something... very cool. But other than that, my life has been a standstill. I haven't enjoyed the comfort of my bed in longer than I can remember, and I see people on msn going to bed, and then waking up again, and then going to bed... I've got the post-assignment sprawl in my room... It's been like that for the last week or so, really... But I'm surviving... I missed a group presentation for one of my classes... Fuckfuckfuckfuckfuck... Pulling these all nighters isn't cutting it... I felt like I had let everyone down at that precise moment, when I woke up at 11:20, as Katie came in with a slightly horrified look on her face. My presentation was at 10:30. I still wasn't finished my proposal at that point, and I jsut felt like the hounds of despair had caught up to me, and were about to devour my soul.... But I'm a lucky boy... my friends really worked wonders for me mood... just keeping me positive by chatting to me online, and especially Katie eating a meal with me, really helped lift me outta that hole. So thank you all. Now, today will be interesting. Functioning on zero sleep still, I need to finish a GIS lab by 5:45pm. I'm frankly planning on sleeping until at least 11:30 or something... But is 5 hours enough time to finish the lab? Gah... I dunno... And oh. my. god. My toys are trying to tell me something. My treebeard action figure leapt at my while I was typing, and holy crap it scared the bejeebees out of me... like I thought it was seriously attacking me or something. From the corner of my eye, I just saw big brown object moving and touching my arm.... And then the cave troll action figure like fell over and hit my orange juice bottle really loud. I think it's trying to play the drum. Eep. Anyways, I'm off... possibly to pass out, I'm not really sure yet.. ciao. | feeling: dead tired, and ready to lie down a long long time | | listening: my multiple alarm clocks going off at ~7:40am |
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