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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life.

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wow, i actually woke up in time for my 8:30 class today... with enough time to spare to make my bed as well!! it's simply amazing! I was kinda dreaming when my first alarm went off, and I had a nice slow transition back to reality, instead of the sudden jerks that leave one feeling entirely disoriented. And then I realized my 2nd alarm clock hadn't gone off... so i swiftly disabled that one. Then as I lay there, trying to wake up, a quiet "beepbeep" alerted me to the existence of a third alarm clock, that i rarely hear... hehe, so I decided to finally get up. Anyways, it's a beautiful brisk, coldcold sunny day,
blue sky all around, so i'm kinda excited to get to class on time!
So yeah, i'm on a roll right now!
*rolls away*
| feeling: tired, but motivated |
| listening: my clacking keyboard |


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