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That is what I need to do, to keep in the back of my mind at all times. It's been busy 3 weeks past since I last wrote in here... I feel like I haven't done any work, and now it's all crashing down on me, even thought I HAVE been doing work. I dunno.. it's weird. So many things coming up.. assignments I have to hand in next week, midterm on monday, possible summer jobs, where to live in the future, courses to take in the fall... I feel like the only thing I live in the now with is the food that I need to eat, the liquid I need to drink.. Everything else is simply an extrapolation of current reality.... not what things are, but what they will become, potentially everything, potentially nothing.
It's all a constant run towards my next destination; where's the time to enjoy what's standing right in front of me, much less to look back and remember fondly the past that is fading to a speck on the horizon. But let me try:

  • Spring break was a good time. I just slept in till 1 every day, read comic books, walked on the ice at Presque Isle, and snuggled the morning away in bed with Katie, which was ever so comfortable and nice. We also made snowmen, and watched some movies, and played foosball. All in all, just very much relaxing.

  • However, I think did too much relaxing. I didn't do any work that whole time, and even now I'm still kicking my own ass as I attempt to catch up in my schoolwork. ugh.. That's what the past two weeks have been, seemingly. One assignment after another. It's been so busy, there's been a serious lack in the pictures I've taken, simply because my mind is so preoccupied with other things that I haven't bothered. It's rather scary, because a lot of times, it's how I have been getting a coherent story of my life. During that week, there is this void where my life revolved around school work. 2 assignments, 1 paper, and a midterm.
  • there's no end in sight though... I'm still stuck trekking in the squagmire homework land (gag), and the wonderful land of fun-ness lies far far away, a shimmering oasis that I will never seem to arrive at.
  • I have also been plugging away at the Environmental Symposium. I was actually in charge of creaating and maintaining the website, as well as searching out people to bring informative displays for people to peruse. I'm a picky website person. It needs to be meticulous, or else I get really bugged. Needless to say, it takes up a lot of time.
  • I finally put my webshots album online. It should be pretty cool... Much of the fun of pictures comes from sharing them, and with a digital camera, it becomes hard to do that, especially with the limited space that email services have these days, and sending them individually also takes bloody long... so enjoy! I have another set of albums in the works, but just no time.... :( booerns.
  • I'll be living with some friends, Taeko, Amanda, and her sister Nikki next fall... That should be interesting, with moving off campus and into such a different environment. I won't be living with Katie.. *sigh* I wonder how that will turn out. Part of me thinks that it has much potential to be a really good time.
That, pretty much brings me up to this weekend, which was nice. Friday night, Dan came over, bringing Firefly(some sci fii show) to watch, but since I'm usully not uberkeen on tvness, I did my own thing in my room, just chilling and figuring out my digital photos, and chatting online. In short, anything but study for my pesticides midterm on monday. heh. that's a good idea.

Today was quite nice though... I woke up in time for the farmer's market at 10:40 to catch the 10:50 bus, and Katie and I bought some yummy veggies, and STRAWBERRIES!!! hurrah!! ;) i'm so excited... we might have fondue, cuz i bought this fondue kit a while back... :D Next, lunch was at the atmosphere cafe on carden st. I was kind of skeptical of the place at first, but it went far past my expectations. Firstly, pretty scrumptious eats (thin crust pizza, mushroom, spinach phyllo pastry, bruschetta bread, cheese cake), and awesome service, and really cool bathrooms... There were five of them... labelled wood, fire, earth, wind and water... and each had their own little quirky thing to it. and unisex too... very cool. But the best part was when these two dudes came in, one with a giant bass, another with a guitar, and halfway through lunch, they started playing, and they were so good... Just like really mellow and it was cozy like curling up in ball with a hot drink in front of a warm fireplace. I told them that they had made my day, because really, they had. The guitar player had a CD, so I bought it. I had to get going, cuz I had to meet somebody at 1:00, and it was already 5 to 1. Katie was gonna listen to another song, so I left first.. Katie bought one later on, and apparently Jonas was really happy to have sold 2 cds that day. :)
So I went to my group meeting for our Urban and Regional planning project. We watched like a guerilla undercover video of interviews and stuff. very cool. And wow, one of my group members Geoff, got engaged the other day!!! he's getting married next reading break. wow, the very concept of that blows me away... But yeah, Now I'm home, and about to bunker down for some hardcore studying. Midterm monday, and I want to do well. And ooh, Katie just came in, bearing gifts of cinnamon rolls... yay!
| feeling: inspired |
| listening: Jonas- Keep on living on for today |


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