~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
wow, I keep forgetting how much I should despise computers, for the number of times that I've lost writing because of it crashing. I think it just about might be one of my biggest pet peeves for me... I just hate losing those transient thoughts and tangents that is my mind.
Anyways, let's cut to the chase. Let's hope it's interesting and somewhat comprehensible. ;) It's been a busy week. I had midterms up the wazoo, and then it was valentine's day. I haven't had the chance to live vicarious lives through people's blogs. I think it's becoming an addiction... i think over 12 blogs that I read consistently... haha... So this is much needed me time, even if it IS at an hour when real keeners are just starting their day. I think this time is solace for me. Something to just kind of digest and process things in my brain unconsciously, by working on else and just being distracted. It's a little bit like defragging my mind... and letting things thoughts settle to the bottom while my mind is occupied. I think I may also be so awake at this hour because I had a long afternoon nap with Katie in my warm toasty bed. We kind of slept the afternoon away, after watching propagandic episode of classic GI JOE, and having soup and sandwiches, which are always good ways to start reading break! :) *save* Katie's parents are coming up in 4-5 hours to pick us up to whisk me and Katie to her house... It's sad, because I'm willing to bet that they're getting ready to start the drive to guelph, from Erie. I'm excited tho... it should be a fun time, methinks. It seems like there will be much fun in store, running amuck, as well as just taking it easy. Not exactly Key Largo reading break material, but it shall much more than suffice. My bags are packed, I'm ready to go... I feel like physically, I'm all ready to get going, but mentally I'm not quite there yet or something. Not that it really requires a lot, but I just feel like I haven't had enough time to sufficiently detach my mind from Guelph-mode. Oh yeah, valentines... I had much fun... Hope Katie did too... it's funny, cuz we live in the same townhouse, but we were so busy making presents for each other, we didn't really end up getting to see each other until the evening rolled around. Just like running around to the mall to procure supplies and goods... I'm sad, cuz I didn't get to finish my main present for her on time... A personalized calendar with like photo collage things for each month. Well I have it basically all designed, just not printed and bound all nicely. :) But really, it all worked out in the end... She made me dinner, it was so sweet... roasted potato salad, and a heart shaped pizza... and yummy too! I had made a sad sad attempt at the last minute the night before to find a fine dining experience, but alas, it was a valiant but sad attempt, and she told me not to worry, and she comes through with uber-dinner! Amazing! Then we moseyed our way to the Guelph Youth Music Centre where they had a "tropical dance party" going on. haha, we were gonna try our feet at some tropical dancing... ;) We took a wrong turn on Eramosa Rd, and my god, it was so bitterly bitterly cold. Finally we got to Cardigan street, on this empty side-street, and just as we lost all feeling in our bodies, we found it. yay! Going in, we hovered over the snacks for a bit, and watched the demonstrators instruct us in the way of the dance. Step, step back, shift weight. repeat ad infinitum. It was a pretty good time, all in all. Can't say we looked as smooth dancing as the instructors made it out to be, but what can you do?? We continued to step on our toes, and bump into other couples doing the same. haha, good times. We caught the second last bus home, basking in it's fluorescent blue glory, before getting home, taking a shower, and played a riveting game of Scrabble in our PJS, where she eked past me 308-305, and ate lime jello. Anyways, it's actually light out now... 7:12am. oops. see y'all in a week, I'll be scarce until then, methinks. :) | feeling: annoyed, but cozy in goldfish patterned PJ pants, and huge fuzzy bearfoot slippers | | listening: foo fighters - monkey wrench |
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