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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life.

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Links Shmlinks

- Bionic Chicken -
- Daenerys -
- Wackiejackie -
- Shmemily -
- A big kaffufle -
- Chibi Kero -

- In passing -
- Chalk heart -
- Davezilla -
- Memepool -

- Weather -
- School-
- Free Will Astrology -
- Astro.com -
- Google News -
- CBC News -

I believe
- Sierra Club -
- My Enviro Sci Website -
- Project Skyfish -

The end, mayhaps?
I've grown a lot with Blogger, from like july 2002 when i first started this blog... from the blue blocky site, to the partly self crafted site you see before you. And as slick as blogger is, with it's easy to use interface, i feel like it might be time for me to move onto something a bit more powerful... I've also been realizing that i've been trying to incorporate too much into this place... like tagboards, and comments, and rotating banners, and all that nuttiness... not to mention the pop-up advertising that has infiltrated my site unbeknownst to me (since i use firefox, and it zaps those little mofos really well. I would have liked to get my own hosting, and start coding from scratch, but since i'm poor and unemployed, i'll be blogging from blogsome, at http://vagrantant.blogsome.com/, where they use wordpress, a blogging interface that can do more of what i want to do with my blog... So point your bookmarks thither, and i hope to hear from y'all there!!
It's been a slice!! :D


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