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It's been a bit of a whirlwind tour the past 3 weeks or so... My parents took my computer mid-august, along with 5 other pieces of luggage to help ease my move back to vancouver easier. So I've been packing away all of the stuff i wouldn't need for two weeks, as well as trying to see some of the good friends i've made over the last four years, moving out of the apartment and preparing for my trip to north carolina, which is where i'm at right now. I've been here for a week and a half now, and it's just been so good. After being apart for over two months, you almost forget ohw nice it feels to have someone to snuggle up against at night, and to quietly murmur to each other as you fall asleep. We've gone to see a neat lighthouse, to the beach to just relax and watch the ghost crabs skitter on the sand. We've also gone dune hang-gliding on Jockey's Ridge, so close to where the Wright Brothers had their first flight. But really, just to be together to do everyday things, and to be in each other's company will do nicely. Even if it is getting ready for a hurricane, securing loose objects that the wind might pick up.
That's right, hurricane ophelia is coming right our way on the outer banks of north carolina. It's such a strange impending sense of... something. Doom, I suppose, but I don't think it's supposed to be nearly as dangerous as anything recent. But just preparing the house for the flooding from the hurricane is such a weird concept to me, as is watching the storm come in on the radar on the Weather Channnel, and then seeing it outside. There's a little bit of fear, just seeing the darkdark clouds outside, especially since I've never been in any kind of severe weather like this, so I just don't have any idea what to expect.
In a way, I feel a bit like this myself, in my own life. Like there's an impending sense of something big about to happen, in how I've been relaxing intensely this past 1 1/2 weeks, and just sort of trying not to think about figuring out what I'll be doing after I get home. I think that finally, the feeling of lost-ness is finally hitting me... Not more scrambling to buy textbooks, going to my first week of classes. I'm not sure if I miss it or not, but just thinking about school brings back certain smells of guelph, of old buildings mingled with countryside barns and the scent of autumn.


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