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Hmm, another lazy saturday afternoon... And some time to blog out a bit...
Sometimes I wonder what it would be like if I could meditate.. These people are able to concentrate ridiculously intensely on one thing. Usually, when I try to focus on a single thought, I last something like 5 seconds... and some of the retreatist monks can last for 723 seconds!! Then again, I guess it's almost their full time job, just sitting there concentrating on one thing.
And in other news, I found this nugget of goodness on the net... The backstroke of the west. This guy saw Ep3 Revenge of the Sith in Thailand, and it has some of the best translations....
here's some samples:
"obi wan, may the force be with you" becomes "anakin: "ratio tile, the wish power are together with you", or "giving first aid the already disheveled hair projection". Hoo man... I heart engrish!!

hokay, enough silliness. Life here has been good... My boss just randomly decided that we're going to have a 3 day weekend, with monday being a paid holiday! sweet!! i know i'm not complaining!! Tommorow will be some underwater hockey action.. I'm going to give it another whirl... the first time I tried that, I was REALLY intimidated by it all. We played in the pool that sloped down to a good 20 feet, and I could make it down to the bottom of the pool, before I had to head back up, without going after the puck. heh. Hopefully the people won't be as intense as last time. I'm going with a few friends, so I hope that mellows things out...
Farmer's market was also this morning. The apple cider has returned, even though it's rather sour, at this time of the year. I didn't find a whole lot that I needed this week... I'm currently in the process of eliminating food from my pantry... so just trying the most random concoctions of food. And trying not to buy tons of food, since I'm not plannign on bringing it home to vancouver. And I'm realizng that I REALLY need to start packing up my stuff. And the next week or so will be interesting, as I find out just how resourceful I am with my ninja packing skillz. In a way, it's starting to feel like an end of an era... I know that I will still be friends with people here, but in a way, it just won't be the same... it's not a matter of just calling them up and hanging out... I feel like it'll have to be much more planned... in order to make the transcontinental journey.

Just the past little while, I've also been realizing how much I've been missing my family. Usually, they are at the back of my mind, always there for me, but this past two weeks, I've been sorting my photos again, and I stumbled across a folder of family photos, and I dunno. Just like photos of family dinners, and other random silliness. like so:

My dad is a ridiculous man sometimes. He is a definitely a funny guy, but sometimes I just forget just how funny he is. This picture to the right was at the pearson airport... One of the pay meters was ridiculously high, so my dad decides to play it up. Oh, dad.

But I think I can say that my photos are finally organized now... Or at least there's a framework of organization that works well. Right now, I've organized photos by year, and then by events (parties, holidays, vacations, etc...) And then I've been going through them all, and giving them keywords for easier searching later. I'm also in the midst of sort of assembling a portfolio of sorts. Just some of my more memorable photos, and assembling them into one place. Gonna get in some of the Photoshopping action. I've gotten much more into this photography hobby this summer. They're the only magazines I've been buying, and I've bought like 3 or 4 books on them, especially after I got my new digital skr. I'm finding that when I've been walking around and I see some ads on billboards and such, I've been trying to analyze them, and try to figure how it was that they took those pictures. Sometimes, it feels almost like a state of mind, when I leave the house, putting on my "photography hat", and try to look at the world through newborn eyes

| feeling: inspired |
| listening: Metric - Combat Baby |
Today's Photos: Spiral, Silhouette, Buoys


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