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Loose ends
It's strange to think that the summer is almost over... Nary a month, before my summer in Guelph is over... And then it'll be time to head back to Vancouver for new adventures. I remember at the beginning of the summer, thinking how slow the summer was going, and how I seemed to be just drifting from week to week in total routine-mode, showing up at work, leaving work, making dinner, relaxing, making lunch for the next day, then bed, essentially. Granted, there has been a fair amount of fun to be had.. I've made new friends and such, but in a way, I am feeling myself starting to extricate myself from them, in the knowledge that i'm unlikely to see most of them again... Part of it is that I just don't think i can keep up with the constant partying... which seems to be one of the few things people do around here... not that there's anything wrong with it, just that it's not really my scene, I guess. I've been really tired at work, and staying up til 2am probably isn't helping much... But other than that work is going alright though... I had a bit of carpal tunnel or something for a few days, and I invested in a wrist brace... It's still a bit distracting at times, but for the most part, the pain is gone, which is great! Friday is Christmas in July at work... we're having a potluck, followed by a gift exchange, which is a great idea.. It should be a good time...

So life has really been treating me good... I've been quite the consumer whore as of late though... buying guitar things, some RAM to boost my computer, some nice books... And someone from work was thinking about skydiving, and I'm really tempted to, cuz really, when is the next chance that I'll get to go? There are so many things that I have yet to do, especially before leaving Guelph, like biking to guelph lake, among a long list of things to do.

I feel like my subconsciousness is starting to collect itself.. Just gathering everything, and compartmentalizing things in my mind... I've had an urge to organize my photos again, and it's almost like I'm just reviewing the past 4 years of my life here in guelph... And I think it's trying to tie up loose ends... fix up some things that have been broken, and trying to bring things to a conclusion... I've been buying parts for my bike, since it's so trashed in the first place, and it'd be nice to fix it up... Right now, my bike has no breaks... I went downtown saturday afternoon to try and fix the guitar that I found on the side of the road in April... I found it with no strings, and hockey tape around the bridge. Got me some strings, and after learning on the internet how to restring a guitar and restringing one string, I realized that one of the tuner pegs was broken.. Livia and Roxanne were going downtown for some shopping, so I went back downtown, guitar in hand, to see what could be done.
So I was sitting in St. George's Square waiting for Roxanne, with my one stringed guitar, when this little girl came up to me and tried to hand me a toonie. I looked at the actual busker sitting a couple metres away, and back at the girl, and told her that I couldn't take her money, as I wasn't even playing anything. To this she inquired as to why I wasn't playing, and all I had to say was "But I've only got one string... Why don't you give it to that man over there". teehee, cutest little girl EVER... But yeah, then I went to try and repair my one stringed instrument, and apparently it shouldn't be hard... but the guitar tech wasn't in, so repairs will have to wait until tommorow...

Afterwards, I had Livia, Paul and Roxanne for an impromptu dinner of manwiches and veggies... no, not Sandwiches... manwiches... They're just like sloppy-joe type things. Just delish, and a pleasant evening, sitting on my balcony, watching the murder of crows on the rooftop.

Sunday was the day of Hillside... A 3 day music festival, and which I was only able to get passes for sunday. I was quite impressed with the event... Such a beautiful location... On an island in the middle of Guelph Lake. No styrofoam plates, or even paper ones... They had a crew of dedicated volunteer dishwashers to wash the plastic plates, so that was awesome. They also used windpower for electricity, and everyone was so friendly... I got off the bus, and a girl saw me shielding my camera from the drizzle, so she shared her umbrella with me for a moment, before we went our seperate ways. One of the highlights was definitely the "drumless drum" workshop, which was on vocal percussion, and beatboxing and such. So we learned some of the moves, and then we started beatbox jamming. The group there, comprised of teens to cute old grandmas, for just a brief moment, synchronized our rhythms, and we just let loose!! Such an amazing experience... Other highlights include Xavier Rudd, who played guitar, a foot drum, and alternated between vocals and a didgeroodoo. A really amazing one man act!! And they had this pottery stand, and you could paint your own pottery, and they would glaze it and then deliver it to your house!! i'm really psyched to pick up mine... It's too bad that it took me so long, and I ended up missing most of Broken Social Scene, and the surprise guest appearanec by k-os... I really wish I had gotten weekend tix, so that I could enjoyed everything there... instead of having to miss so much. I did catch Sam Robert's play though, who played a decent show. He didn't compare to what I heard about Arcade Fire... Apparently at one point, they were just playing music with anything they could find... drumming on speakers, and helmet that they just happened to be wearing. Then they got off the stage, and started walking single-file down this path into the darkness, still playing away, while people followed closely behind. For pictures from Sunday, click here.

And oh, here is the yahoo site where I've been uploading been uploading my photos to... Mostly for events where other people might want to see pics. I've been trying to post some older events as well... like the High Voltage concert (ACDC Cover Band), Canada Day Shenanigans, and much more...
So yeah, if you've got time, feel free to look around! i've love that!

| feeling: accomplished |
| listening: Radiohead - Planet Telex |
Buzznet Photos: Alien Abduction at Hillside?, Sam Roberts closing Hillside, A murder of crows, Reaching for the skies


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