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well, it's over

Well, the year is finished now. I've left residence for what is most likely the last time in my life. So much mad mad packing... It was crazy... I dont' know how I accumulated so much shit.

Anyways, Katie and her dad helped me out muchly, bringing all my junk to my new place at Taeko's place. Sooooo muuucccch stooooffffffff... But I wasn't really thinking about that today... I was thinking of Katie, and being apart for potentially 3 long months... Wahhh.....I don't want to be apart from her for so long. ahhhhhh!!

I had a decent night tonight... Went to one last partay with the Ecology class kids. It was pretty nuts, just seeing all kinds of people that I knew, but who I didn't know knew the guy hosting the party, complete with a keg of beer, and a bbq, and of course, excellent company. The Leafs game was on, but I'd rather spend time with some of the peeps who were just chilling out. Besides the Canuck's a few nights back just broke my heart. *tear* oh well. And well, I didn't get smashed, even though it WAS my chinese calendar birthday tonight, and more than a few people were apparently looking forward to get me loaded.... I just had enough for a good time. :) I'll try to post some photos soon, hopefully?

I missed the last bus, so I was resigned to walking all the way from downtown (right by the covered bridge) to my place by Ultra supermarkets. It was actually quite a nice walk. Such nice weather, and the walking was really good, just to clear my mind and stuff. :)
So I came back, and futzed around, until I took a shower so that I won't stink up Amanda's (another of my roommates) bed with the smell of alcohol... and now it's time for bed.

Good night.

| feeling: tired |
| listening: Spirit of the West- And if Venice is Sinking |


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