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i should live in fiji.
Really, I think that's where my circadian rhythms have gone to play. It's 6:10am... I haven't gone to bed before 5am of my own volition in probably 2 weeks or so... Think about it, it would be roughly midnight right now, and I would be getting sleepy. That would be a nice change to get sleepy at a normal person time.. And as well, I would be on fiji, enjoying the tropical weather, the beaches, and possibly the rainy rainy season. Well you can't have it all. Katie's got an internship at an aquarium in North Carolina!!! i'm jealous.. she gets to live in a beachfront cottage!!
Then my parents pull one on me... they're supposed to go to china sometime in early may or something... Ahhhhh....
And I just opened the window... and oh my god, it's beautiful... It's bloody cold, but the sky is a dull grey-blue, and the moon is so bright, revealing itself from behind the nude branches of the trees... And it sounds so alive... the birds are all calling, it almost feels like I was in Costa Rica...
But seriously... this whole travel bug has bit me, and it won't let go... I usually don't think about travelling that much during the day (or night), besides the random moments I have, where I swear I can smell the scents that I remember from a certin place... but the last couple posts have been all about the wanting to escape somewhere. I just think school has really been getting to me... I'm really enjoying being in Guelph, spending time with Katie and my friends... but quite frankly, this past week or so have been spent mostly in my room, studying away... I think it must be like cabin fever or something... ahhhhhhhhh!!! I want to go somewhere else... anywhere else...

So essentially, my days have consisted of:

  • Waking up really late
  • Having lunch with Katie
  • Studying
  • Procrastinating with random activities (reading blogs, playing Unreal, going to the bathroom
  • washing dishes
  • Talking to Katie
  • showering
  • Making dinner
  • Studying
  • getting really bored with studying and procrastinating more
  • bugging katie
  • remembering all the things I forgot to do today.
  • studying yet again
  • passing out really early in the morning

And that, has been the story of my life...

I have my pesticides final exam in just over 2.5 hours... I guess I'm mostly prepared at this point. I just have to do the handout readings that were given out....

Ooh, birthday's in 2 days... I'm feeling absolutely nothing at this point. I'm not sure if I will.. Hopefully I'll be sharing a joint b-day party with some friends on either the 13th or 15th... but we'll see how it plays out... If it does, I'll take pictures, and share them will y'all! :)
And the 14th, hopefully I'll go out for dinner with Katie or something

| feeling: listless |
| listening: Brown Derbies covering Karma Police by Radiohead, A Cappella style | (it's amazing!)


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