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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life.

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Fall is in the air
Today it was bloody windy, and I was late for class. But I saw a cute black squirrel making his rounds to his cupboards. Very cute. Two things though. 1. Why do I always think squirrels are guys? Does anyone else do that? and 2. What kind of word is cupboard anyways? cubbard... cup-board. what is it? a board for cups? but anyways.. yeah. the squirrel was cute. And I saw leaves running about playing tag and chasing each other in the wind. And the trees were beginning to start shivering, as they lost their clothes, and as I walked under a lamppost, the seagull sitting on top of it laughed at me. These things more than made up for my stress with the stupid paper I had to write, and really, life is good... so live it up! :)


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