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Midterm Madness
Hi, s'me again... decided to have another short post. Gonna see if I can manage a new pattern where I update as things come up. haha. anyways, yeah... this past weeks or so have and will be a bit crazy. Chunk 'o papers due last week, and a midterm worth 50% of my mark in two days (which I just started, and should be studying for right now). Eep. I think I'm starting to feel me antibodies be run down or something... Ifeelsickly... just a little bit, but it's getting there.
Haha, I was planning to start getting hardcore with school so that I could not be behind so much anymore... but here I am procrastinating again, after just 15mins or so. should I poost this in my livejournal as well? Eh, maybe I will... so much for bucking down, eh? Crap, I've got to use the crapper... haha!
but after that, the third try's the charm, right?
So have a good night!


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