~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
Madness continued
Eyo!! Well here I am, fuggin procrastinating, instead of doing work again... What am I thinking? I have a stupid abstract about this presentation for this guest speaker gave two fridays ago, and I just don't want to do it. I have so many thoughts swirling on my mind, and no outlet anywhere. Gah... But right now, I'm rather tired, and my brain is a bit rattled at this point in time, so I'll just be rambling now. But the weekend... oh man... the sudbury trip was a crazyfun time... It was such a great time. Everyone that was on the trip were such great people, and it's not too often that you get to bond so well with people in a class in university, especially many of the science courses (from my experience, anyways). So yeah, the bus ride up was a pain in the ass (literally!). a Full 7 hours of butt-numbing joy. But we managed to pass the time by playing "long car-ride games" and getting to know each other a bit better, and by the time we got to sudbury, I felt like I had known these people for a week. And right after we got to sudbury at like 8:30pm, what did we get to do? Go to listen to lectures for two more hours!! yay! <--dripping with sarcasm. And then finally, we got to the hotel we were staying at, and had some food in the pub... Oh, 1500 pub... good times, good times. We were all in much better spirits after getting some grub in our bellies, with a few pitchers of beer to boot, before breaking out onto the dance floor with all the townies.. haha... Oh man.. that place was crawling with "cougars"... so scary! Tip #1: Avoid eye contact at all costs. But all in all, it was a really good night. A band who did great covers, hula hoop contests, and other goodness. I think it just might be one of the funnest times I've had going out, simply because no one had any expectations of what the night was going to be like, and the fun just sort of happened. Ahh, spontaneity!! The next morning started bright and early at 7:30, when we got up and went for some breakfast before hitting the road to Laurentian University for a series of lectures. After that we got to play in a virtual reality lab.. It wasn't as cool as I had envisioned, but I can't really complain. We got to put on spiffy $1000 glasses, and see things rotate towards us! :D haha, i'm such a dorkus. Then we did some exploring of the contaminated sights around Sudbury. For those of you unfamiliar with Sudbury, it was the sight of the world's largest production of sulphur dioxide emissions (in the production of nickel and copper). That plant alone produced more sulphur than some industrialized nations (e.g. Germany, UK). So needless to say, the vegetation suffered quite a lot, and the place was often described as a moonscape as a result of its exposed bedrock barren of vegetation. These peeps here though, have got their shite together... the place still looks a bit depressing in spots, but it seems like it's made a decent recovery for the time being. So yeah, before I regress into environmental babble, I'll just tell you about the rest of the day. We went to the roasting beds, where the nickel was processed, and that was pretty neat as well. Then we finally went out for a fancy dinner before returning to the hotel and partying it up once again. Oh I didn't say it before, but oh man, these bouncers were so anal... like they had something up their butt or something, i dunnno.. they looked at everybody's ID for like a full minute before giving people a disdainful look and ushering them inside. I had a little bit to drink, but seeing as I've got the asian flush, the guy thought I was really drunk, and wouldn't let me in for the longest time... After a long time talking to him, he gave me... the "walk in a straight line" test... I was a bit annoyed by that, but I got in, so it was all good. The same band was playing the 2nd night, and they just loved the Guelponian energy.... :) Then people went to bed a bit earlier this night, and I retired roughly at 3ish or so. Then the next day began at 7:30 (ugh), and after a quick breakfast, we got on the bus for an hour and arrived at Killarney Park. Such a beautiful place.. beaver dams, crystal clear lakes, the whole shebang. We went for an hour hike and got to a rock overlooking Lumsden Lake, one of the first place where acid rain was first discovered. It was like I saw history unfolding before me eyes. It was absolutely gorgeous there. You could see some of the islands in the Great Lakes, and all the trees, and the clear blue lakes surrounding us as far as the eye could see. We went wading in the Lumsden Lake, and skipped rocks and had fun. Then we hiked back, and basically sat in the bus for another 5 hours before getting back to guelph. So yeah. Sudbury was a blast. and now I gotta write a twenty page report, on how we drank beer, hiked around, went to lecture and threw rocks. the joy abounds. :D But now, it's getting late, so it's time to go work on my homework... ack. Good night! | Current Music: David Gray- Silver Lining | | Mood: Tired and sleepy |
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