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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life.

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Links Shmlinks

- Bionic Chicken -
- Daenerys -
- Wackiejackie -
- Shmemily -
- A big kaffufle -
- Chibi Kero -

- In passing -
- Chalk heart -
- Davezilla -
- Memepool -

- Weather -
- School-
- Free Will Astrology -
- Astro.com -
- Google News -
- CBC News -

I believe
- Sierra Club -
- My Enviro Sci Website -
- Project Skyfish -

Two roads diverged
Okie, I've figured it out. And sorry to disappoint, this'll be no monumental discovery... I've just decided what to do about the kafuffle with blogging and livejournaling...
Here's the plan, stan:
-For short, mundane posts, or when I just think of something random, I'll put it in my livejournal

-For longer, hopefully less mundane posts, about important happenings and stuff, I'll post it here!


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