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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life.

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Two roads diverged and I took both!
Okie, I've figured it out. And sorry to disappoint, this'll be no monumental discovery... I've just decided what to do about the kafuffle with blogging and livejournaling...
Here's the plan, stan:
-For short, mundane posts, or when I just think of something random, I'll put it in my livejournal

-For longer, hopefully less mundane posts, about important happenings and stuff, I'll post it here!

I just figure that more people from Van read this blog more anyways... if they want to read about the everyday jabberings of me, it'll be another click away..
So there. It's settled.

News updates:
Bad news: My knee is gimped. It kinda hurts to work. I think it's twisted really funny, cuz it only feels comfortable when my left foot is pointed at like 10 o'clock, not more straight forward like it should be. And I'm coming down slightly sickly. My exchange to Sweden is no longer in the future. I've decided to stick to my guns and stay in Guelph. It's just too much of a fuck-up with my future.. It's from January-June, so that would involve me kissing summer jobs good bye, potential housing next year good bye, and maybe saying hello to another year if my courses didn't transfer properly. I just figure if I make the best of the time I have here in Guelph, there shan't be anything to regret, right-o?

Ooh ooh, good news... My mommy sent me a package! it had this neat looking black chinese-style shirt, and a monkey.. coin purse, i guess? But it was nice to get stuff in the mail! And I found my phone, so that makes me happy.
And I'm still chugging away at my toxicology... my midterm worth 50% of my mark awaits. Joy and rapture.
Wish me luck.
That is all.
| Feeling: slightly sickly and cold |


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