~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
augh... need sleep
heya.. Sorry the writing has been so far and inbetween lately. I actually wasn't planning to right, but I thought I'd document the monumentous occasion of me going to bed early... (i.e. before 2:30) I was gonna say 2:00, but that really just ain't happening at this point.. So I'm gonna settle for second best here. Note: inane smatterings of words! Well today was interesting. I had my Meteorology take-home midterm due today, and in the name of all things sacred, I could not for the life of me get any of those questions. I think part of it was exhaustion induced or osmething... but I just kept pushing myself last night because I knew that if I didn't, I wouldn't finish the thing. So 9:30am rolls around, and i'm just like "fugnuts!!!" and I crawl into Katie's bed for a warm short nap. I get up at like 11:00 and then start to work on the thing again... I made it to class at like 12:30... and somehow I managed to not keel over with tiredness... After that, I was supposed to have a class, but it was cancelled at the last minute, since my prof's flight from Brazil was delayed. Brzil, you must be thinking... yes... I'm convinced that my prof is an intermational man of mystery, and he goes around the world and does crazy shit all the time... Like since like september, we havne't had a normal week of class with this man... it seems like class is cancelled for various reasons... So far this semester alone, he's gone to Washington, D.C., Alberta, and Brazil... like WTF?!? oh well anyways. yeah, class was cancelled (again). So glad that there's no in class final for this class... So I went to the Bullring with henry, and I used my coupon for a meatball sub, which was fan-fuggin-tastic! Umm.. yeah, and then I sat on a couch by myself to do some work/pass out. It was random.. some guy randomly looked at me and said that I had nice shoes... yunno.. the blue new balance ones... It's just weird, because ever since I got the mohawk, I seem to be getting more attention... haven't decided if I really like it, cuz the last time was a bunch of 14 yr olds in stratford who said "nice hair", before walking off giggling. Umm yeah.. So yeah... apparently I was passed out on that chair pretty good.. I had my camera in plain view on my lap, and katie saw me, and came up to me and took it out of my lap to check the time... (yes I'm that sad, I use my digtial camera to check the time..), and I didn't even notice... that coulda been so bad... so then, ya... i had some more class, and then I went home, and made fried rice and potato slices.. vely nummy... and then I cleaned my room some, and then I buckled down a little bit for some work... and then since katie has such a hectic day/week and only had coffee cake or dinner...... i made her dinner... which was the same thing as I had... but I made mega amounts... so yay, for left overs!!! :) and so yeah... I running on almost 36 hours of mostly consciouness... and my brain is getting fried, and this entry is blowing goats, so with that, I bid thee adieu! before I go.. A list of upcoming thingys to do: -finish Soil 2120 Guelph Landscape Paper -finish Envb 3300 Abstract -finish another Envb 3300 Abstract -buy greyhound tickets to go to toronto -write in my journal -grocery shopping -laundry (damn the lack of socks) -sort through my digital photos -write a blog entry that is midly entertaining See y'all soons, you big baboons! :D
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