~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
It's been a while, hasn't it?
I really have been meaning to blog sometime sooner, but things have been so hectic, and I'm already immensely behind in schoolwork, and in sleep, so bear with me, eh? Before I continue though, check this out, and bookmark it! It's pretty nifty, and I think it won't be too hard to update often, so there should be some nifty things goin on there. It's funny to think that I've been here in Guelph for almost a month now. It seems like just yesterday that I was busy cramming all my shite into my luggage before leaving vancouver... and getting to toronto, and cramming even more of my shite into the car. I'll try my best to get up a photo of all the stuff in the car, to give a better idea of really how crammed things were. Moving In But damnnn, moving in was such a crazy time... Since my parents were on vacation in Ontario, they decided to pick me up at Pearson Airport (at the T-dot), along with two friends). Trying to move a student into res with four people, as well as their luggage is not really the best idea, lemme tell you. My parent's plan was to jet straight for the airport after dropping me off and leaving me to my own devices for the next four months, hence the extra luggage. And what made things more insane was that it was the big "clash of the worlds", so to speak. It was the first time my parents were meeting Katie's parents, since it's not everyday my parents are on the other side of the continent. heh. but it went alright it seemed, so I'm glad for that! Gee, you would think that for all the stuff that was crammed into the car, I wouldn't have forgotten anything, but I've forgotten my posters... *sigh* And oh, another thing, moving in the day before school starts = bad idea (unless you want to stress out about getting unpacked and stuff) School rears its head So school is pretty much in full swing now, methinks. Had my first assignment due yesterday. Fuckin writer's block. GAH. Oh well, I'm still alive. But my classes have been pretty neat so far. I'm enjoying most of them for the most part. It'll be a lot of work this semester though. I'll really need to keep up with things if I want to achieve any semblance to academic success... There's a lot of hands-on learning in the classes I'm taking this semester, which is a nice change from all the theory you usually learn in the sciences. I'm doing a woodlot inventory for one of my classes, which involves going to the site, and taking notes on plant life in order to classify different vegetation communities. It's pretty neat, but I wish I knew people in my class. that would make things so much easier... But Katie's taken the course, and she's giving me help, so how can I complain? And ooh, I'll be taking a nice looooong 7 hour bus ride (yellow buses at that! fuggers!) to sudbury, which was used as a test site for lunar vehicles, due to the similar terrain, as a result of the destructive practice of nickel smelting that took place years ago. Apparently they've done rehab, and we'll be checking that out. should be neat. Hehe, as well, my prof said we're going to "sudbury for some suds" I laugh at that. *giggles* Meteorology is also a neato class... the prof is a really cool guy. very down to earth and friendly an stuff. We get to play with fun weather equipment too! Neato! They have this one "toy", where you can point at various objects to find out their temperatures, from like more than 10 feet away! so so nifty! Anyways, I could go on about my classes, but really you guys don't really wanna read that. I'll probably be whining about them soon enough though, so don't worry! :D Getting in the groove Damn, getting into the groove of things was really hard this year, for some reason. I think that partly it was because I moved in really late, compounded by the fact that I couldn't get my Internet working for the first week. During that week, I realized the "joy" of phone tech support. Haha. But in all honesty, these resnet tech guys were pretty accessible, and friendly enough. Too bad they weren't as helpful. I spent 3 days phoning them religiously, trying all sorts of "solutions"... Tech Guy : "Okay, we're going to remove ..." Me: "the TCP/IP protocol in Networks?" Tech Guy: "Oh, you've tried that?" Me: "Yes, 3 times already" In the end, they got me to format my main hard drive, which resolved problems in a jiffy (besides, it was muchly needed at any rate). But I didn't manage to get everything I wanted to keep onto the other hard drive, so that was kinda suck. Oh well, c'est la vie. I'm really surprised (and annoyed) at the frequency of the computer freezing though. Like minimum 5 times a day. I guess I do push poor computer to the limit though... like 20 windows open at once. heh. oops. *Crash* My Real life But between moving in, school, staying up late and getting settled in, I have been able to have some sort of life, which has been nice. I'm living in a townhouse with Katie (*lovestruck "Dwaaaaaa"*), Paul and Chris, along with the many toys that inhabit my room. So it's pretty nice, I'm enjoying it so far. It's interesting, and fun, and weird living 11 steps from Katie. It'll take some adjustment, in terms of time management (heh), but I've got no complaints tho. I'm also teaching her some cantonese, which has been fun. "yut yee sam say uhm lok chut baat gao sup". :D Anyways, I find it really interesting how different people do small everyday activites in such different ways. You really see that when you are living with someone. And it's amazing you can go buy tons o' food, and the next day look in the cupboard/fridge and wonder why there's nothing you want to eat. speaking of food, I'm hungry. Too fucking bad it's 3:30 in the morning right now. I should be asleep... bwaaaa.... <-- *disgruntled noise* Besides this though, here's a list of things that I've been up to, in no particular order: Activism 101- a workshop where they teach you to be an activist... brought to you by hardcore kids who know their shite. Very intense!
Mole Tunnels- the lights in the hallways are always turned off at the townhouse, and I feel like a mole running around in underground tunnels Clogging toilets- we had the first plug-up of the year the other day. hurray. Toilet: 1, Joming: 0 Royal City Buffet- All you can eat chinese-canadian buffet. The chinese waiter found it amusing that a chinese person was going there. I think he giggled a little bit. Now for the topic that's been raging in the minds of everyone: my dreadlocks *dum dum dum* dreads: The lil fellers are still alive and kickin. It's been almost a month now, but I just haven't had the time to take care of it like I should be. As a result, it's coming unravelled in certain parts. They're looking only pseudo-dreadlike right now, but I'm almost past the point of caring. Wearing a pillowcase to bed for the past month is starting to get to me, as is the showercap whenever I cleanse my body (note: not hair... body). And before you all start retching, it really doesn't smell at all. It's reached an equilibrium, and the hair isn't getting much dirtier. Although it still gets itchy every once in a while. I've been seriously considering the lopping of the dreads. Whenever I wake up, the dreadlocks have always somehow freed themselves from the pillowcase, dirtying the actual pillow, and getting in my face. nieehh!! <--*whiny icky noise* That's just a damper in the day. But we'll see what happens. Anyways, if you've made it this far, congratulations. you deserve a medal. really. you do. I guess I could have just ignored the past 3 weeks in this blog, but for some reason, my mind bring itself to do that. It's something about feeling guilty for talking about certain times in my life, and not others? (What is that, time-ism?) Either that, or I feel like I'm losing a part of my life, if I don't somehow immortalize it somehow, and it'd be wrong to inaccurately portray my life by leaving things out. Gah, Stop analyzing. Go to bed Joming, it's 3:58 in the morning. Good night... $%@$^#^@ Good morning! *sleep now*
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