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Teaching as a Subversive Activity

Decision making/Communication Skills class was interesting today. I did enjoy it, if I must say. We did this cool thought exercise thingy in class. We were asked some really strange questions. Let's have some fun, eh? Get some pen and paper!!! So what you do is read each of the following questions, and write down the first thing that comes to mind. Try not to think too much about it, and feel free to skip any question you don't feel like answering and answer them in any order you want! And here's the questions... GO!!!!

1. What do you hear if you are in a car and it is raining outside? What do you feel if you are standing outside?
2. Describe the odour of gasoline.
3. What sounds do you hear if you are walking with heavy boots in a deep snow? (Try not to use the word crunch)
4. What does hair feel like? (Anybody's hair)
5. Describe the texture of skin. Feel it.
6. How would you describe fear? If you've never been afriad, don't answer. If you have, you don't have to answer either, unless you want to.
7. Describe the odour of freshly cut grass.
8. Describe the sensation of placing an ice cube against your lips.
9. Is there a particular odour before a rainfall? Describe it.
10. Is there a particular odour after a rainfall? Describe it.
11. If your hand slides across a piece of silk, what sensation would you feel?
12. If you were to walk barefoot along a beach of pebbles, what would you feel?
13. What does your hand feel like?
14. What does someone else's hand feel like?
15. Describe the taste of salt. (try something besides salty)
16. Describe the flight of a seagull.

So now, once you've finished answering whatever questions you can, and you're happy with how they look. Put it together, give it a title, and Ta-DA!!! instant free-style poem!! :)

And here's what I got.

Waxen Furls and Clever Words
Rain on glass; refreshed and cleansed
Squeak, thomp, water crystals squealing
Smooth yet firm
Intense anxiety, invisible hands squeezing you
Cold, sharp
Freshness, earthy
wet concrete evaporating

Teehee... that was fun.
Well off to do some work... or something!

| Mood: Thoughtful |
| Song: Wallflowers- One Headlight |

p.s. Oooh! My fava bean plants from botany have sprouted!! they're AALLLLLIIIVVVEEE!!!! *insert evil laugh*


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