~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
I haven't done a thing, but my room is clean!
Sometimes, I really am amazed at my laziness. Like today, I've done exactly NOTHING! I woke up, ate, visited some friends, ate, watched some tv, and then basically come back to my room, and here I am. Given if I had been productive the last day or something, I can see how I could allow myself to do such a foolish thing, but I have not been productice. And today will not be much more productive. I have some RA programs to run, namely trading spaces. I don't even know if that many people are needed to run this program, as I don't think many people signed up. Oh well, oh hey, and I've got an intramural volleyball game tonite @7:30pm... *sigh* Hey it's lots of fun, but it just spears itself into the middle of my day. *growl* mmm me hungwy... neeeeed.... food..... Okay, i'll let myself drink some water. Hurrah! Anyways, for the most part I enjoyed my day. Got to catch up with some friends I see often, but don't really get the chance to talk to, and just goofed off, and just shared some of life's troubles. Ooh, I've managed to rearrange my room, and I'm proud to say that it looks much better now! I enjoy it quite immensely. And once I'm all clean up my room, I'll take some pics for my famuly to gaze upon... Whenever I get it cleaned... It's hard work, ya know. Speaking of hard work (which is currently not a part of my vocabulary, as it should be), I'll really neeed to put lots of hard work into everything coming up soon. I have to grow my bean plant, and keep a daily journal about it. A biochem pre-lab to do (yuck!), need to look over my genetics, and buy some textbooks... (I haven't bought some yet... haha! what a joke!). And some RA stuff to do, like visit my section, and send out some phone mail. Wow, it's only been a week since I last wrote, and it seems like I have so many things to say that I can't remember half of the stuff I'm thinking right now. ooh, some dreaming action went on last night: I was in the living room @ my house in Vancouver, and there was around 6 people... Some seemed familiar, but I'm not sure. Anyways, there was this bright green snake with blue stripes on it, and I think it was a cobra of sorts. It moved in such an undulating smooth pattern, exactly like how a sand snake moves. And it somehow got free, and it was chasing random people, and when I tried to run away from it, for some silly reason I thought it couldn't climb stairs, but it just ended up leaping and making it. Oh god, I am so tired. I really want to write more, but I'm so entirely wiped that I barely can keep my eyes open. So with that, farewell and good morning and a more coherent post will be made short.....
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