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Partie Deux: Cornichons Suicidaires

Yesh, I did say suicidal pickles... that is the random phrase of the ... nite, I suppose. ow, my ass hurts from sitting on this crappy ass chair that residence has so unkindly provided us with. I may as well sit on a soggy sandwich. No wait, that would be better than what i'm sitting on right now. Even the pillow who hast giveth its life to caresseth and comforteth my buttocks, but to no avail. It's still sore. *sigh* oh well, what can be done, eh? That was random you say? I beg to differ! Take this!

I'm sitting here, and my room is mostly clean... well at least the floor is clear of copious amounts of scholarly remains (notes, binders, candy wrappers, socks, etc..). Now just to clean off the bed... What a mess. Sorta like the near future... I can foretell much chaos in the near future... Oh man, I've so many many things that need my doing, and my decisions.. The worldly concerns of what to put over my head when I sleep, and where. I need to decide what I want to do next year already. Can you believe it! I applied for a job the other day, I'll keep ya posted on that! But I have to decide whether I want to be a returning RA or not, and if not, do I live off-campus, or try to squeeze into the painfully small residence next year (due to the influx of the double cohort hordes in September.) I guess I wouldn't really mind being an RA again. It could be an interesting experience being an RA other than East, which is pretty lax with most things. Hmmm, and I have to decide what to do with my summer already. I sort of have some sort of plan, and that could be pretty exciting, but we will see what happens, I guess. I want to learn a new language. Well more generally, a new skill that I have something to really show for. Not how to write acyl chloride reactions, no no no, but learn something that I could use for the rest of my life.

Lately I'll been noticing an interesting observation, of who I am, and my own cultural biases. Maybe they're not, and I'm simply being sensitive, but in some respects, I simply don't understand how some people think. Like mah riddim don jive wit ders... Sorry about the rasta excursion.. Like I feel like I'm travelling a different wavelength from other people in the room. Just like small jokes, or prefererences and such things. Like this one time, I was at fast-food place, and we talked about how after returning to north america from an exotic place, there is an urge to chow down on junk food. While it may seem like I'm being pompous, but really, I'm not. I think it's just the way I grew up, and the food I was raised on. And other times, it's just silly jokes, that while i sorta of get what's going on, I'm not sure I understand the true meaning of it. Perhaps its simply a matter of the division between east and west (coast, as well as oceans), but at times there is enough of a difference there to leave me slightly off, like a tub of yogurt left a few days after its expiry date. Aw crikeys, lookit me, hypocritical b@st@rd.... just my last post, I was talking about making efforts to connecting with people, and here I am whining about how I don't get it, without trying to myself. But I dunno, it's a weird situation. Anyways, I had stuff to write, like about my first days of class and stuff, but my back is hurting, and I'm getting sleepy. So I'm just beginning (well not really) to ramble. But that shall just have to wait. I'll try to keep this blog more up to date tho! That would be the best. But before I leave, just want to give a plug for WackieJong's fantastical website! It's witty and fun, and then some! Cheerio! Wish me luck with reorganizing my room, my volleyball game, and achieving some semblance of work!

| Mood: Tired, with a tinge slightly random |
| Music: Radiohead: Street Spirit (fade out) |


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