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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life.

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Ah, the joys of procrastination

I really should be studying my arse off right now, but the joys of procrastination are not to be taken lightly... So anyways, I've been watching ninja turtles, and I'm so getting back into it... it's almost scary... especially when I have vague memories of the episodes.... teeheehee... Excellent...
I've got economics tommorow and statistics on wednesday. Then I'm around for a couple more days, and then... I'm baaaaaaack home!!! yay!!! that should be really exciting!! :)
Anyways, just a short entry today... Now I'm off to studying again. But before that, I leave you with some quizzes!! weee! :) *bye*

the fun-loving and humorous one of the bunch. But, I'm much
more than just a barrel of laughs. I'd be the most human of
all mutants. I'm a trusting, good-natured person who would
do anything to help my family, friends and anyone who may
be in trouble. Oh yeah, I like pizza too!

Which Cowboy Bebop Character are You like?
Takes other quizzes at Newsies Meets Anime...Anime Meets Newsies...


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