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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

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ack... so much to do!!
Man, oh man...

I feel a bit silly for not updating more often... it's been roughly two weeks or so now, so that has been a bit of a shame. but still not much a letup in the level of stress... yeah...so basically just a lot of work and studying over the last little while. I had an economics midterm, which I failed miserably... and I have fallen sick, so that has added to the suckness of it all.. I dunno, I'm not in much of an explanatory mood rite now... Things are pretty bleah right now... I think that I just may start this thing up over christmas break. I have sorta had things to say, but just no time. And I want to get in this new layout I've been thinking about for a long time. Yesterday was a good day though.... I talked to my Ecology TA and was able to 6 extra marks, which is always nice, and then I got a nice present from my residence manager (these cool wooden letters, and some yummy candy) , and another from Student Housing Services which was also kinda nice. Just some random shite like gum and hair gel and stuff, but greatly appreciated! Wow, I can't beleive it's the end of the semester already... It seems like it has come and gone by so fast... Has it gone by that fast for everyone?? Oh well, back to studying for me I guess!! :/
Good luck with exams, everyone, and if I don't talk to you before then, have a happy holidays!! :) Check y'all out in the new year! :)


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