~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
oi, people in strange places.
It was really weird. I get a msg from my friend siu-hay that i met in guelph... and she's like "hey guess what? I'm in Vancouver!" I was like.. "doiiii?" but yeah, she's gradded from uni this year, and now she's going for a bachelor's at ubc.. in pharmacy. so yeah, i thought it'd be nice to give her some company, since she didn't know anybody here in Vancouver. I know I'd appreciate having a familiar face in a strange new city. So yeah, we met at what I thought was supposed to be Tropika Malaysian Cuisine. But when I get there, it turns out a mid-range sushi place has taken its place, and siu-hay was sitting on the concrete ledge just waiting. But sushi was cool anyways, and it was fun just catching up with her. I never really got to know her really well last year, but she's a cool girl. And I gave her a short driving tour of vancouver.. hardly satisfactory, but better than nothing I guess. ;p Anyways, I got home after dropping her off, and while I'm just writing emails and stuff, Aileen pops online, and I had my first chat with web-cams on both ends. that was really neat. I enjoy how you're able to see the other person's reaction as you're typing away. I never thought much of this webcam business, but really it's kind of neat, to be able to sort of "be with" friends who are literally halfway around the world. It's really amazing how far technology has come these days... Wow. I guess all in all, it was just so weird seeing these people juxtaposed in places where you never thought of seeing them. Siuhay in Vancouver, and Aileen on a little webcam screen.... just something that was kind of unexpected I guess, but in a nice way!
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