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Wow it's april 4th already... exams start in 3 days.... holy bejeebees!! Where does the time fly?? Anyways, it hasn't seemed like forever since I last wrote, but really, it has... In a life, everybody goes through so many changes in the course of even a week is phenomenal... And at this point in my life, major decisions are hitting me from left, right and centre. *Sigh* sometimes i just wish I had a little more time to absorb things. Like fall into some sort of time loop for a while, just so that I can figure things out a little. But sadly this is not the case. This is not a video game we're living in. It's life, and the pause button is nowhere in sight.
The last two weeks have been somewhat of a blur... Academically, there hasn't really been all that much work that i've had to do or anything, but i just feel like i've had the time to blog at all.. let alone do all the other things that i needed to accomplish in the course of the last few weeks. I dunno, I think that as a result, many of the things that i've had on my mind have been piling up in my brain. I hate it when it does that... silly brain, take out the trash!! or at least sort it so that it doesn't look quiet so much like garbage.... ;p
I know that I'm probably missing so many things, and I know I am, just cuz I'm not writing this in my own room (Thanks Katie), and because I'm just sorta freestyling this madness from my brain. Direct Brain injection to a blog. yummy. But in no particular order of importance, denomination, or worrisome-ness(which I swear is a word..haha), here's a random list of things that have been residing in my mind/life the last while(albeit a very strange list)

  • Katie might to go to Scotland on an exchange for a whole year!! Hurray for her!! that'll be so much fun, but i'll miss you so.... :|
  • As for my exchange possibilities, New Zealand is not in the picture... they not sendin anybody there... And it would have been fun to go to Scotland as well, and be with Katie in a fun place, but that they're already sending everybody they can there... So they're offering me Sweden. *ponders* I dunno. it has possibilities.. not quite what i had in mind, but it'd be an interesting experience for sure... But I wanna go somewhere WARM!!!!! (by the way, yes, that was an HTML joke) Okie, i'll stop i'm just digging myself deeper into the world of uber-nerdiness. But we'll see how this situation will develop. It's really been rather weird, because the exchange people didn't really tell me whether I had gotten an exchange nomination or not... but they told me to sign up for a pre-departure orientation session in the fall... so for a while I was stuck in limbo, until I figured things out for my program counsellor
  • My birthday is coming up in 10 days, and i haven't even thought it,... huzzah! i also have a paper due that day, and an exam the next. Party hardy!! ;p
  • I get to go to Costa Rica in about 24 days!! Holy shit, that like 3 weeks!!! AHHhhhhh!!! i got shots for it a couple days ago. Hep A and Typhoid. Oh god, that was a fiasco as well.. I had to go in there likke 3 times to get my shots. So so annoying.
  • Me, Paul and Chris got into residence for next year. Katie is supposed to live with us, but if she's doing school in Scotland, I don't think she'd be so keen on commuting every day.. haha
  • Exams: Oh god, the sheer terror of what awaits me in a few days is unimaginable. I'm so unprepared at this point, part of my brain I think has just completely shut down to allow me to function properly. Some of the classes, I simply can't get up for them.. Note the operative words: GET UP. Cuz every morning, I wake up on time, and then some strange phenomenon. makes me fall asleep again without realizing it. Possibly this phenemenon might be known as a lack of willpower. :( But it sucks, cuz it just puts a whole damper on my day. Luckily enought, I have been able to get notes through alternative sources than attending class (i.e. friends, random people in my section, etc...) so i just might make it out of this year alive.
  • speaking of missing class, the whole friggin university of guelph was closed today. Freezing rain poured down all night, and by the morning there was apparently an inch of ice in some places. Eck! So snowday for me.. in the middle of april! THAT IS SOOOOOOOOOOOO WRONG!!!! WRONGWRONGWRONG!!! so many lives were disrupted. i missed two of my last lectures of the year, as well as a seminar, in which some of my friends needed to run a group workshop, for about 10% of their mark. what they're gonna do now, i haven't the foggiest!
  • Stupidstupid TA for my enviro sci seminar... He doesn't put any effort into his work!! For the last mark that I got, apparently he gave everybody the same base mark of 70%, and he even gave people the same comments, even they have obviously different, in terms of style, content and effort spent. *grrrrr*
  • Summer plans: At this point, I'm really not sure of much. I wanna learn to dive, and I want to go visit Katie sometime... and I would like to get a job(environmental, hopefully). either that or I want to volunteer to just get some connectionts to jobs an stuff. It's possible I might want to do a little road trip of sorts, I'm not really sure. I also want to learn new practical things: cooking, musiking, or maybe speaking in a new language. I'm also considering hosting my own website, as that may kick my ass into gear and make me actually make a half decent webpage. Heh. I also know that I'm taking a distance education course, so that narrows down my chance to go away for extended periods of time... *sigh* so no tree-planting. But there shall be other things to do, and by golly I shall do them! Mark my words, world! Hear me roar! :)

Well that's basically me in a nutshell the past two weeks. At this point, I'm just hoping that quantity will make up for quality in this blog. Just don't update for the longest time, and then...


Flurry to the solar plexus, and there's a humungous entry! DINGDINGDING! and i'm outta here! (silly reference to "The Champ")


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