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Final Score: 3-11

Yes, that WAS the result of the charity ice hockey game I played in... yes, I played goalie, and no, i've never played before. Aiya... it called for some interesting times... Well, I only let in 8 goals.... ;p and for my first time playing in a REAL hockey game, as well as my debut appearance as a goalie I think that's almost a decent showing. Before the game, I couldn't even skate backwards or stop!! :p It was a real interesting experience. Just the amount of focus you get from it is amazing... like for so much of the time, the mind is so calm. You can hear things, but really, it goes right through you. Like I heard my name on the microphone, but I don't remember what was said at all... And yes, for the record, I did only play the 3rd period, but let's just forget about that okay? The other goalie on my team, Rich Charter was amazing. If it was a real game, and not a charity game, he shoulda played, and we woulda won!! ;p haha, but ya, it was good fun, all in all..

When I was warming up, I was so scared... I had trouble just standing up, much less stop any pucks from hitting me... but when the time came, I just forgot about everything else, and my mind was focussed like a laser beam. I'm actually surprised how I actually managed to play. It had sorta been a goal all last year, to play in Res Rumble (the charity hockey game), and while I hadn't really thought much about it most of the time, I was still determined to play. And for so long, it seemed like I wasn't going to actually get to play. Problems with selling tickets, and being unable to find a good pair of skates, and the fact i hadn't skated for at least a year,almost made me think it was not meant to be... but I stuck it out, and in the end, I got to play. I was freaked out and scared to play for the first 2 periods. The whole issue with skating backwards/sideways just compounded my fear of being in goal. But I couldn't disappoint the crowds, could I? haha crowds... lol
I think I'll play intramural floor hockey next year...
ooh ooh! Katie won the raffle draw!! I was so happy and surprised. Tickets to the Guelph Storm hockey game... funfun! we'll see if we can afford THE TIME to go... ;p it's gonna be a hectic week as usual...But for some reason I was scared she wouldn't be there to pick up the prize, as she was feeling a bit under the weather earlier that day. But silly me, in order to win a raffle draw, you would have had to bought tickets at the game!!

Hmmm... other highlights of the weekend:

-Gorging myself at Amanda, Taeko, Sarah and Marla's College Royal pre-party
-going to farmer's market on saturday to buy all sorta of good yummy food!
-having my poor bean plant in botany die on me
-cleaning my room (how sad is that?)
-talking to an interesting person i hadn't talked to for around 8 months.
-finishing my biochem lab before an ungodly hour of the morning!!

Oh yeah, last week has pure HELL!! it was so brutal... well mostly in terms of the amount of sleep that I recieved. The amount of work itself is not actually all that much... i just didn't manage my time all too well... ending up with me not sleeping in my bed properly for 2 days (once on the couch, the other time on a corner of my bed, curled up) And twice, I slept in the morning with that a semi-major assignment was due... On thursday, I slept in for my philosophy paper, and on friday, my oral presentation for ENVS*2010. Both ended up being extremely rushed and rather shoddy. I'll find out the marks soon enough, eh? I'm not really looking for anything spectactular... But I had better get a good mark for my website. That was a pretty fun assignment. I dunno, I've always kind of enjoyed making websites and stuff. They're really things that you can instantly see the fruits of your labour... like direct labour --> results kinda of work. I think that is the aspect of it that really appeals to me.

Wow, sometimes I find that talking to people you aren't consistently in contact with makes you realize how much you yourself have changed in the recent past. While it has seemed like the shortest 6 months EVER this school year, I really feel like I've grown in that time. It's mostly pretty subtle, but I've changed, in small ways, in terms of the way I think about the world, and especially other people. I think it's mostly this RA business. Some of the stuff they teach has really ingrained itself inside me. I can't escape it sometimes. Like when people use terms that may not seem offensive to them, but may be derogatory to others, I think I physically cringe at the sound of it. Seriously, no joke. But what about the fact that I have Paruresis. Haha... random fact of the day, I suppose.
Anyways, I had all these things I was gonna write about, but always, they just disappear. Ugh. oh well!
I guess it's the sign I need to sleep now, eh?
Goodnight to all, and to all a Gð0|) |\|¡†ê!
p.s. Look! A snowflake Here, make your own!!!

| Mood: Thoughtful |
| Song: John Hiatt - Have a little faith in me |


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