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Master of Arbuscle

Greetings. I am the master of arbuscle. Hear me roar. *roar*
Today I was crowned the master of arbuscle in botany lab... Arbuscle are a form of fungi that grows in symbiosis in the roots of plants. And we had to prepare these slides, and apparently mine showed the arbuscle really well. Huzzah... And then the TA went and told the rest of the class that I had good arbuscles... hehehe... So everyone was coming over, and saying "Are you the one with the good arbuscles"? Man, it was a riot. One of those you had to be there moments I guess. So that was the proud moment of the day. Anyways, I've got a proposal due tommorow... and i'm just sitting here typing away on my blog... dammit... Wish me luck!

I'm kinda getting the hang of this blogging everyday business... wee!

| Mood: Sunny skies with a hint of clouds |
| Music: The rhythmic click of my keyboard |


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