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The Day-of-To

Well today was a decent day, for the most part. not as productive as I had thought it would be, but then again, what do we expect these days anyways, right? It was a bit sucky, as I had woken up at like 8:40am or something, and gave Katie a wake up call. I had a class at 9:30, so you would think I would wake up, right? noooo...... that doesn't happen in Joming's world. I ended up sleeping in for half of that class. The silliest part of that is that now I don't even know WHERE my midterm is, as it different last names have been divided into different rooms. So I just decided to study for my midterm on monday, and I was lucky enough to get some work done. After class, I had planned to go to the exam bank at Biology house to pick up some old midterms for my genetics midterm on monday. I trek through 5 minutes of snow to find out it was closed on fridays at 1:00pm. It was 1:30 when I got there. Gah. And wow, the snow has been just piling on... the last couple days have been realyl nice, actually, but there's still a massive accumulation of snow everywhere. Beside the sidewalk, there is almost 40cm of snow in places. The rest of the day went uneventfully, and returned to res, where I played some Goldeneye with Paul, took a nice nap at Katie's for a brief moment, and then ate some pasta for dinner before going to see the Vagina Monologues. And me and katie with our impeccable timing, left east residence 5 minutes before the show started. We ended up only missing the introduction, and I was happy to see a large number of guys there. Not because I required male comradeship or anything of the sort, but because it was good to see that they were supportive of women, in times of today where the objectification of women is such a commonplace occurence. I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt that they weren't going because the word vagina was in the title.

Me and Katie went to the nearby second-cup, just to sit and talk for a while. If you want some good hot apple cider, that's the place to go, I tell ya! Then we frolicked in the snow. T'was much fun, I do say! snow in the shoes excluded of course. ;p

And now, I just finished watching the NausicaƤ movie. I've been on a bit of a NausicaƤ binge lately. it's been a bit strange. If you haven't read the manga yet, it'll be okay to watch the movie. The movie just doesn't do the manga justice. At all. It's sort of like The Two Towers... They have cut a lot of stuff from the books out of the movie just to shorten it. A real shame, I daresay. But that NausicaƤ, the main character of the movie inspires me so. Just the love that she shows for all life. I know that I have trouble much too often doing that. Like with mosquitos, and annoying people. Wow. Man, I need sleep... I've begun to stop making sense now, accompanied with a general lack of eloquence in what I say. Blogger says i'm posting at 10am, but really, it's not that time. it's time for bed. Goodbye.

p.s. I can spank the monkey at 530 miles per hour! And really, it's not what it sounds like!! :)


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