~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~
Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life. | |||||||||
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I believe
Waha. I think sometimes it's silly how the styles of my entries are entirely random. Ha. Anyhoo today's been an interesting day. It feels like saturday. You know why? If you didn't read it before in the last entry, U of Goo had a snowday! So i didn't go to class, and I basically lounged around all day. I seriously contemplated showing up to some of the classes, and I probably should have gone, but you know, when ice shards are trying to slice open your face, you aren't really motivated to go to class. So instead, I snuggled into my warm warm bed, and then went to Katie's suite and played some N64 until I had to leave to go to my Residence Life Staff Appreciation Banquet. It was good times... Just a thank you dinner for all of the RAs, Cluster leaders, and all the other awesome people that helped make residence function with any semblance of order. It was nice just to see everybody all dressed up all purdy and everything, and just another occasion for some hullabaloo and mad picture taking! :) My camera is getting really low on batteries though, so it kinda stopped working around halfway through the evening. *sigh* oh well. and then I gorged on some good food, and listened to some peeps talk, and then there was this awards ceremony to honour those RAs who have been simply outstandingI dunno, I guess maybe it's just cuz I don't care for things like this, but apparently there this all these politics in the RA world. Sometimes I just feel so oblivious to everything that goes on in the RA world, like apparently there's all this favouritism involved with the awards, but I guess it's the same thing in any other occasion, there are always other factors at work besides what the award is supposedly for. How very silly. But I was content to just laugh and holler and take pictures, and then I left with a special glass mug for all of the Residence Life staff. Superdupercool! And then I went to Katie's and we just yakked about life. I've come to realize that I am quite the freak... like in terms of my strange quirks that are starting to border on manic and obsessive. By this I mean, my obsession with collecting things, especially on the computer, where it doesn't seem to take up any semblance of physical manifestation. Like emails, MP3s, movies, and yes, even website addresses. I constantly find new things, but for some reason, I can't bring myself to get rid of stuff like that. I wonder how this came to be. It's strange the things humans do. I think it goes way back to like grade 6, when I began an innocuous.hobby: collecting newspaper articles... I was just interested in the world, but I think that in a way, the world overwhelmed me. I'm still constantly blown away by the sheer immensity of the world in all its facets: its environments, cultures, peoples, and thoughts. I can't get enough of it, and I think that in a way it drives me to scour the internet for the newest thing. And in a way it's sad, because I'm so entirely behind the times, it's not even funny. like the world is going at a faster and faster pace, and I'm eternally trying to understand it all, absorb it all, and falling further and further behind. I wish there was just some way I could just let go. The following quote particularly struck me:
It just struck a chord with me. I am that wandering mind... And sometimes I seek that control, to tame it so that I can get on with my life. But sometimes it just won't let me. But I'm working towards it. Maybe it'll be a 3 month late New Year's Resolution. HA! In other news, my room seems so empty and incomplete without my bean plant, lanky^3 (cubed). He used to sit atop my computer tower, watching over my room from his vantage point, but on thursday I had to hand him in, back to the botany lab, to show that I had been trying to grow a plant. So now he's probably somewhere being composted. Well, we had some good times, ol pal. I'll miss ya! This next two weeks will be a test... a very hard test of my academic ability. I think that my exams will be rather difficult, and I prolly won't be updating all too often, but I'll try my best! The very best of luck to all of you that will be taking exams, and happy trails. :) | Mood: Thoughtful | | Song: Barenaked Ladies: Light up my room |
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