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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life.

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I believe
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hewwo hewwo.... i just installed a "tagboard" on my site, so that people can just leave a short comment whenever they want... yay!! i think that's so exciting!! wee!! although not as excited as Katie was when she got my b-day present... the LOTR special edition... teehee... happy early birfday, buddy!! i just couldn't resist giving it early....
Anyways, today was okay... a sleepy day indeed... We had a little potluck tonight though... that was kinda cool, even though we used up so much time!! i made tomato and eggs, dear made fried rice, and chris made sheperd's pie, and katie made cloud salad! what a delicious meal... I should be like that guy on 4th floor that takes pictures of the food that he cooks... teehee.. what a riot!!
anyways. i leave you with a quiz.... damn, i'm getting into these things, eh? ;P *grin*

What Type of Villain are You?



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