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~ Tales of a vagrant ant ~

Follow the journey of a vagrant ant through the story of his life.

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Hey Peepuls, cast your vote, huh? I'm intrigued.

But seriously, if you haven't, and have enough coordination to not fall and die in the shower, try it sometime! I find that it like liberates your other senses, and for me, it's a time of contemplation... slightly weird, but what can I say, eh?
lol, in other news, my the letter a on my keyboard is having severe issues. i have to like mash it before the letter decides to come out and play on the computer screen.
Anyways, it's late, and i have 8:30 class tommorow. it should be good day though... kind long morning, and then a relaxing afternoon, and then my friend dear and her boy vivek are making a whole gang of us nummy nummy thai food for dinner! woohoo!! :)

| Feeling: Thirsty yet content |
| Listening: The Flaming Lips- Fight Test |


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